Events Manager 6.1.6

This latest update fixes a few issues that arose from our latest update of the booking admin tables, as well as a new integration with freely available Thrive Automator plugin! We’ll elaborate more on the awesomeness of this integration in an upcoming post. We’re aso looking forward to a follow-up update before the end of […]

Events Manager 6.1.5

We’re happy to announce the first iteration of our bookings admin table that ships with 6.1.5! Aside from from a couple of bug fixes that needed to get released, this latest update mainly focused on the path towards a completely revamped and feature-filled bookings table. This current iteration includes: Dashboard-Side (WP Admin) Integration with WP […]

Events Manager 6.1.3 and Pro 3.1.2

We’re happy to announce the release of 6.1.3 and 3.1.2 which contain various bugfixes, alongside a major new feature in Pro; Automation! Automation will meet the needs of many feature requests, including scenarios like the following: Send an email reminder to users of a booking with a certain status and payment method, a certain amount […]

Events Manager 6.1.2 and Pro 3.1

We’re happy to release another follow-up update which should address the large majority of issues that users may have experienced during the recent 6.x updates. We’d like to thank everyone for their patience during these weeks during this major transition, and for anyone still experiencing any upgrade issues since 6.x please rest assured that we’re […]

Events Manager 6.1 and Pro 3.0

We’re happy to announce EM 6.1, and also Events MAnager Pro 3.0, another of our biggest updates to date! However, the change will not appear as dramatic to many. This time, we’ve focused on data architecture and made one fundamental change; ticketing and storage of booking/ticket data. Technical Summary of the Change Previously, we stored […]

About those new updates…

Dear All, Our recent update of Events Manager 6.0 was arguably our biggest update since inception and has mostly been a great success. We’ve been talking with a lot of our users over the past few weeks who’ve been extremely happy with the new look and layout of the plugin. At the same time, such […]

Events Manager 6.0 (!)

I am very pleased to announce that Events Manager 6.0 has just been released and is ready for download! 6.0 is the biggest update we’ve made to date, including over 300 file changes and thousands of lines of new code. It features a complete overhaul to the front-end UI, including a brand new calendar, new […]

Events Manager 5.12 : Security fix Follow-Up

Events Manager 5.12 fixed a reported XSS vulnerability. Whilst the update mitigates the known vulnerability, and we aren’t aware (or do we think there is) of a way to further exploit this, we updated a few template files with some extra security precautions. This is an overabundant precautionary measure, meaning you don’t need to worry […]

Events Manager for Zoom 1.5

We’ve updated the Zoom integration mainly to enable adding iCal join URLs as a location. This is now an option within advanced settings. If you would like previously saved events to have this checkbox enabled by default, as well as enabling the checkbox by default for new events, add this line to your wp-config.php file: […]

Events Manager 5.12.1

This is a minor bugfix release with a minor improvement on the iCal feed which allows including event location information, such as a URL or Zoom link, as well as physical locations. Events Manager 5.12.1 Changelog