Version 4.0.1 Released

After Thursday’s fiasco, 4.0 was put out pretty quickly to get everyone’s events working asap, but there were still a few outstanding bugs. This update fixes the major bugs, and leaves 4.0.1 in a pretty good state! For those with update issues, before posting on the forum or on here, please read the recent release […]

Events Manager 4.0 Release Candidate

The latest iteration of Events Manager is pretty stable now and is ready to be considered as a release candidate. This latest set of changes to the beta brings some more highly demanded features: Major Improvements Global event tables and extra Multi-Site options. You can now centralize all your blog events on one set of […]

Beta Update 2011-04-15

The wordpress svn trunk has just been updated with the latest beta version. Quite a few improvements since the last version. Aside from random bugfixes, here’s some major improvements:

Dear Translators….

It’s been a few months that I’ve been asking translators not to start translating the POT files just yet. This was more for their sakes as the beta rewrites big parts of the plugin and inevitably translations done today could be depreciated tomorrow. Well, whilst some small changes are still inevitable, the beta is now reaching a […]