5.2.5 and Pro 2.2.2 Released

This is a maintenance release which fixes the following bugs: 5.2.5 fixed long google calendar link issue fixed and improved duplication function allowed cancel link for offline pending bookings status fixed MS bug with featured images in global mode on different main/sub sites fixed duplicate booking activity posts when event belongs to a group fixed […]

5.2.3 Release

This update fixes a couple of bugs and makes some minor amendments to the settings page. Here’s a summary of these changes: Improvement to iCal all-day time format (works with Apple iCal now) Fixed the events_list_grouped shortcode not using formats supplied. Removed ‘remove from page lists’ options for category/event/location pages Added calendar day abbreviations (useful […]

5.2.2 and Pro 2.2.1 Released

This update tidies up certain minor aspects of the plugin, specifically the settings page. There is one notable feature, which we added to the Events Manager plugin: Member Only Tickets You can now create tickets that only your members can see and book! This is possible by going to edit your event and then click […]

5.2 and Pro 2.2 Released

It’s been over a month since we’ve put out an update, but if you’ve following our dev updates, you’ll have noticed all the gradual improvements going into the plugin over this time. What you won’t have been able to  notice until now is all the updated documentation, which is now hopefully much clearer and up […]

5.1.8 and Pro 2.1.5

Update: We’re releasing some quick-fix stable updates over these few days due to some minor bugs with one line fixes. Whilst already described in the plugin readme.txt changeset, a summary of changes will be made in our post about the 5.1.9 release. The new WordPress 3.4 update caused a few issues in the JavaScript that […]

5.1.7 and Pro 2.1.4 Released

It’s been just over a month since we’ve released an update. We’ve been pretty hard at work on various things at once, and some exciting things should start coming through over the coming weeks and months. Here’s a small teaser ;) FullCalendar will soon be on WordPress.org One major thing to expect later this week […]

5.1.5 and Pro 2.1.2 Released

New Features Use #_EVENTCATEGORIESIMAGES, which will show the images of the categories an event belongs to Added yearly recurrences to the recurrence manager Added a cut-off date for bookings, so bookings can take place past event start dates Added #_CONTACTMETA placeholder, this works with Free or Pro, where you can use e.g. #_CONTACTMETA{dbem_phone} or any […]