5.2.6 and Pro 2.2.3 Released

Released late last week actually, but here’s a breakdown of the changes!


  • changed validation order for bookings (no validation done in EM_Event::get_post())
  • EM_Tickets_Bookings::$tickets_bookings now an associative array, keys are ticket id
  • EM_Notices now accepts 2 level arrays for nested errors
  • added em_bookings_table_export_options, em_bookings_admin_ticket_row actions
  • added em_bookings_table_get_headers filter
  • admins can now manually approve bookings regardless of whether events are fully booked and overbooking enabled
  • fixed search page bugs
  • removed some unecessary validations on get_post functions, assumed these are only run on validate() and save(), eventually it’ll just be validate()
  • fixed js issues when updating ticket options with checkboxes
  • hooked into the_excerpt_rss filter to allow overriding event formats on normal rss feed
  • fixed recurring event not correctly saving timestamps
  • fixed minimum spaces problem on booking form, added ‘required’ tickets option to allow more possibilities
  • fixed js incompatability
  • fixed link on single booking admin page if user is a guest in no-user mode
  • updated German, French, Hebrew, Dutch, added partial Chinese translation
  • hid some unecessary localized JS strings depending on what features are enabled (bookings/recurrences)
  • fixed negative non-existant category id searches showning no events instead of all events
  • fixed pagination problem on templates/calendar-day.php
  • added js triggers em_booking_error and em_booking_complete
  • fixed event price placeholders not accounting for unavailable tickets

Pro 2.2.3

  • added attendee forms – alpha – add define(‘EM_ATTENDEES’,true); to your wp-config.php file
  • fixed some display / validation errors in booking forms when modifying booking
  • fixed #_BOOKINGTXNID returning placeholder if there’s an empty value, now returns an empty value
  • fixed minimum spaces calculations for attendees, as per fix in
  • fixed non-editable user fields breaking validation
  • updated German translation
  • fixed link still showing on the single booking view to the assigned default user for no-user bookings
  • hid some js localized vars if bookings disabled

2 thoughts on “5.2.6 and Pro 2.2.3 Released


Hi there.
Thanks for the update. The Attendees option is really good however I was experienced an error that I’d like to confirm it’s fixed before installing this version as I fixed it myself.

I used to be able to set Max and “Minimum tickets required per booking” but if for example I set Min: 2 and Max: 2 it does not mean that the user HAS to get that ticket. On a previous version of the plugin, it used to display 0 and 2 in this case. Now, it pre-populates 2 giving no option to the user but buying that 2 tickets.

The issue is mainly on the function “get_spaces_options” on classes/em-ticket.php .

Best regards,

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