Events Manager 5.5

It has been almost two months since our last release, which must be one of the longest periods lately between releases. However, since we never really stop working on things, the more time between releases the more to expect and this update we have a few treats for you! One major reason for this delay […]

Pro 2.3.7 Released

Not much to report on this update, which fixes a few minor issues. Here they are: fixed site/event-wide coupons not showing up in coupon manager in admin area changed event/site wide choice to be one or the other, to avoid confusion fixed user link problems on secondary ajax-loaded pages of transactions table changed $EM_Booking->booking_meta[‘registration’] will […]

5.4.3 Released

Events Manager 5.4.3 fixes a few bugs that cropped up during the last update. Aside from this, we’ve also added two minor enhancements: No Location Searches – You can now use location=”0″ in your shortcodes and PHP functions when searching events to show those events without a location. RSS Limits – When you have 1000s […]

5.4.2 Released

We’re currently going through some outstanding issues that got set aside whilst pushing out changes related to tax price calculations and Multiple Bookings features in Pro. We have a pretty big list, so it’ll be spread across a few updates, but meanwhile you’ll also see some cool additions as well! This update is a first […]

5.4.1 Released, Fixes 5.4 Booking Bugs

We discovered yesterday that version 5.4, which went out earlier this week, had a very specific bug related to our new booking pricing system. In cases like this, rest assured that once we’re aware of the problem we don’t rest until there’s a fix, so late last night we released version 5.4.1. For the curious, […]

Important Booking Pricing Improvements

We’ve just released some development versions – & Pro – which makes a big change to how booking prices are calculated, specifically with regards to tax calculations. This has taken up a lot of our time recently due to the amount of testing required, given all the possible combinations of settings offered by […]