Pro 2.3.7 Released

Not much to report on this update, which fixes a few minor issues. Here they are:

  • fixed site/event-wide coupons not showing up in coupon manager in admin area
  • changed event/site wide choice to be one or the other, to avoid confusion
  • fixed user link problems on secondary ajax-loaded pages of transactions table
  • changed $EM_Booking->booking_meta[‘registration’] will not save user info if already logged in
  • fixed CSV export issues if exporting by attendee and booking has no attendee data (if not previously activated/used)
  • fixed bug where double-spaced option values fail required validation (re-saving the form strips extra spaces, entities will still work and validate)
  • added gateway column to booking tables and exports
  • fixed date not being formatted in transactions table
  • fixed unwanted MB page refresh on checkout if redirect option enabled

2 thoughts on “Pro 2.3.7 Released

Ulises Ureña


I bought evens manager pro plugin for WP, but i have a instalation problem, I have a Multisite instalation(ver 3.5), when i activate the plugin events managet pro in specific site, the next message sho in top page: “Please make sure you install Events Manager as well. You can search and install this plugin from your plugin installer or download it here. Only admins see this message.”

Can you helpme about this problem

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