Version 5 Beta 2

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks! This second beta offers some massive improvements on the last beta, as well as some new features here and there. This is very close to the end result, bar a few minor bugs, and we expect to release a release candidate early next week. Download Events Manager 5b2 […]

4.305 Released

A few bugs were reported/discovered over the past day since the update to 4.304… they weren’t around for long! Here’s a breakdown of the changes: fixed my-bookings.php template for pagination errors fixed duplicate tickets produced in buddypress editor removed console.log from js fixed owner=0 when admins create ownerless events fixed bp activity posting of member […]

4.304 and Pro 1.38 Released, Beta on the way!

Let’s start with the exciting stuff first :), a beta should be ready for the public later today (evening CET time), one minor bugfix left, so keep your eye on our blog, twitter or FB page for a post about that! Now, onto the update. Pro users should make sure they update both versions. Hopefully […]

4.303 Released

Here’s a quick breakdown of the fixes. Whilst there are a couple minor updates that will be tended to early next week, this release was fast-forwarded to fix an email conflict with WP_Mail for some users with specific setups. Couldn’t resist throwing in a quick little feature – html can now be used in emails […]

4.302 Released

Here’s a summary of the recent changes (all ‘under the hood’): Group event lists have corrected links (previously sending guests to a ‘you can’t edit this’ page) PHPMailer updated to v5.2.0 can_manage bug in MS Mode fixed Added more wordpress actions to ticket forms/tables events_calendar shortcode now filtering location search attributes as well I’ve also […]

State of the Event

Dear All, It’s gotten to the point that this post will be a catchall answer to the various questions regarding the conversion from events to posts. This will let us get on with it rather than talk about it :) Feature Freeze There is now officially a feature-freeze in Events Manager 4. The next feature […]

4.300 and Pro 1.36 Released

Along with polishing off some remaining minor bugs, we introduce a few cool new features to both Events Manager and Pro. New Features Add tax to your ticket prices, controlled from your settings page, compatible with PayPal and Offline payments. Event owners will now be notified by email when events are approved. Allow bookings without […]