5.0.3 and Pro 1.44 Released

This update is mainly fixing a few bugs that have cropped up.

Alongside this, there’s been a few solutions upgrade woes due to errors in certain themes and in some cases, WordPress itself!


  • Searching from/to without one or another date works as intended
  • Fixed various object property names using old conventions causing some undesired booking errors.
  • Fixed front-end edit links from appearing within the admin area.
  • Fixed location placeholder output/filter function problems, which also affects booking templates.
  • Fixed missing php in opening tag of search template


  • Booking form regex rules will accept blank values if required isn’t checked
  • PayPal payments won’t proceed if user email is already registered.
  • PayPal bookings-in-progress aren’t considered as pending anymore unless there’s a booking timeout set. More options will be available for booking management shortly.

Next update will hopefully contain more features than fixes!