Events Manager 3.1.3 – Dependent Events!

We’re happy to announce the latest feature shipped in the latest EM Pro update 3.1.3 – Dependent Events! A very common question is how to handle conferences or any sort of event where within the event there are other events that are either free to attend or simply require having booked the main encompassing event. […]

Events Manager Pro 2.6.6 Release

This is a maintenance release that follows up 2.6.5 and fixes some pending bugs: minor css tweaks to booking view of Multiple Booking cart details fixed checkbox and multi-booking issues for no-user booking details editor on single booking fixed ARRAY literal appearing in booking email for checkboxes in certain scenarios fixed ‘Class ‘EM_Admin_Notices’ not found’ […]

Events Manager 5.9.5 and Pro 2.6.4 Released

This latest release mainly addresses the recent price changes from Google, which is something we’ve been working on over the past few weeks since their announcement and we have also issued a separate more detailed announcement about today’s update including links to new documentation arising from these changes. Below is a summary of all changes […]

Pro fixes (more) errors

We have made some additional fixes to 2.6.2 which was released a few hours ago, due to further unannounced changes by to their platform which is causing online payments to fail when using their gateway with Events Manager Pro. We’ve reached out to in the hopes that they will provide some sort of […]

Events Manager 5.9.2 and Pro 2.6.1 Released

This is a maintenance release that mainly fixes some timezone issues revolving around PHP 5.2 and also manual offsets. Events Manager 5.9.2 Changelog fixed some instances where PHP 5.2 outputs incorrect times due to other plugins changing server timezones fixed scope issues with PHP 5.2 when calculating start/end of month dates fixed potential issues with […]

Events Manager 5.9, Pro 2.6 Released

We’re happy to announce the arrival of our new updates, which finally introduces timezone support as an official feature! We’ve been working on and refining this new feature since late last year. Given that it’s a big shift on how we handle dates and times internally it’s a big change under the hood. See our […]

Pro 2.2.7 Released, Critical PayPal Fix for 2.2.6 Update

We have discovered a bug in 2.2.6 which causes PayPal IPNs to fail, meaning bookings are not confirmed. We have already released an update 2.2.7 which solves this problem and anyone using 2.2.6 and PayPal should update to this immediately. If you have some pending bookings which haven’t been processed, fortunately there are some simple […]