Events Manager 5.9.5 and Pro 2.6.4 Released

This latest release mainly addresses the recent price changes from Google, which is something we’ve been working on over the past few weeks since their announcement and we have also issued a separate more detailed announcement about today’s update including links to new documentation arising from these changes.

Below is a summary of all changes in the recent updates:

Events Manager 5.9.5 Changelog

  • added new Google Maps display options to help prevent cost increases
  • fixed booking status emails getting resent when attempting to change status to same status
  • fixed potential consent issues with editing/validating bookings made by other registered users
  • fixed broken #_LATT custom field attributes for locations
  • fixed #_ATT placeholders with dropdown options not selecting default option if not defined
  • added em_locate_template_default filter to allow for further template overriding
  • fixed certain unsanitized permalink output on admin settings page
  • fixed weekly and daily recurrence creation inconsistencies when traversing DST change dates

Events Manager Pro 2.6.4 Changelog

  • added support for Google Maps Static API display options and caching for relatively sized static map images