Events Manager 5.9.5 and Pro 2.6.4 Released

This latest release mainly addresses the recent price changes from Google, which is something we’ve been working on over the past few weeks since their announcement and we have also issued a separate more detailed announcement about today’s update including links to new documentation arising from these changes. Below is a summary of all changes […]

Events Manager 5.9.4 & Pro

Today’s release is a maintenance release following up last month’s release, which contained various privacy-related features for the European GDPR laws that came into force. Both updates fix a few issues that arose from consent boxes and different contexts where events, locations and bookings are submitted/edited. We’ve also ensured that anonymously submitted events that have […]

Events Manager GDPR Releases (5.9.3 & Pro 2.6.3)

We have just released Events Manager 5.9.3 and Pro 2.6.3. The main aim of these releases is to integrate with the new privacy tools included in last weeks’ WordPress 4.9.6 release. As we announced a few weeks ago, we’ve been aware of the upcoming GDPR laws for some time now, as well as the work […]

Upcoming GDPR Compliance Laws

We’d like to make an announcement regarding the upcoming GDPR deadlines and how we’re preparing for it. Update May 22nd 2018:  We expect to release an update today tomorrow, and whilst we’re cutting it pretty close, as it’s now taking its final shape the work involved to get ‘compliant’ will likely be minimal. We’ll be […]

Pro fixes (more) errors

We have made some additional fixes to 2.6.2 which was released a few hours ago, due to further unannounced changes by to their platform which is causing online payments to fail when using their gateway with Events Manager Pro. We’ve reached out to in the hopes that they will provide some sort of […]

Pro 2.6.2 Release fixes errors

We’ve pushed out an urgent update today for the Pro plugin, which specifically updates an SSL certificate within our plugin that is causing issues with booking events and paying with This is a required update for anyone using for payments. However, for those with expired licenses who do not wish to renew, for […]

Events Manager 5.9.2 and Pro 2.6.1 Released

This is a maintenance release that mainly fixes some timezone issues revolving around PHP 5.2 and also manual offsets. Events Manager 5.9.2 Changelog fixed some instances where PHP 5.2 outputs incorrect times due to other plugins changing server timezones fixed scope issues with PHP 5.2 when calculating start/end of month dates fixed potential issues with […]

Events Manager 5.9.1

We released Events Manager 5.9 three days ago, which introduced Timezone support as a new feature. This was a pretty big shift under the hood with regards to how we calculate times. Whilst we’ve had beta versions of this new feature since late last year, it’s pretty much impossible to test every server setting, plugin/theme […]