Important Security Update

We’ve been investigating a serious security vulnerability over the past few days, which we’ve found to be present in Events Manager from version 4.0 onwards. We’ve released 5.5.6 which fixes this issue, as well as fixing this vulnerability in ALL affected versions on the repository to prevent anyone downloading an older vulnerable version in […]

Events Manager 5.5.5

This latest update mainly fixes a few issues that arose from the latest update, as well as an improvement to how taxonomy search arguments can be built, allowing & to enforce an AND condition rather than the OR condition with commas * fixed booking cut-off time not being editable after event is saved * fixed […]

Events Manager 5.5.4 and Pro 2.3.9 Released

We’ve been working away at various upcoming features over the next few months, and in the meantime we’re releasing an update containing some more pressing fixes. Most notably, we’ve deprecated the use of TimThumb for thumbnail generation, which was necessary since the script is not being maintained anymore. We’ll likely put out another update in the […]

Pro Minor Update

After releasing 2.3.8 yesterday, we discovered a bug that in some setting combinations Coupons for new bookings may display erratic behaviour and apply incorrect discounts. This has been immediately corrected and therefore we release a quick update.

5.5.2 Released

5.5.2 contains an important security patch related to the booking form and an XSS vulnerability. Updating is advised! For those who don’t want to update for whatever reason, add this somewhere in events-manager.php: add_filter(’em_booking_form_action_url’,’esc_url’); New Features Individual Category, Tag and Location Feeds! We get asked this a lot, so it’s finally here! Add ical/ or […]

5.5.1 Released

This 5.5.1 update is a relatively minor update which patches up some issues mainly cropping up from the major 5.5 update, which overall went very smoothly! Whilst we are aware of a few non-critical issues still pending, we decided to release 5.5.1 now to fix a couple of more important problems (the most important being […]