Events Manager 5.6.6

Events Manager 5.6.6 fixed various issues and made a few minor improvements. One fixed issue in particular that cropped up in WordPress 4.6 and prompted this update to come out early was for themes that enable thumbnails/featured images for a specific subset of custom post types and throw a PHP error/warning. Additionally, we’ve made some improvements to […]

Events Manager 5.6.5

We’ve just released 5.6.5 which is a minor release mainly aimed at the new changes in Google’s Maps API policy, requiring all new sites to start supplying an API key in order to produce maps. This was a sudden announcement by Google with no advanced warning, though it seems that only sites starting to use […]

Pro – Important Update from 2.4.4

We’ve discovered a bug in Events Manager Pro which was introduced in the 2.4.4 update which can accidentally delete bookings when ALL the following are met: You’re using the Multiple Bookings Mode Beta feature The booking was made using our PayPal gateway You’ve set PayPal bookings to auto-delete after x minutes if they haven’t been paid […]

5.6.3 and Pro 2.4.4 Released

This is a maintenance release fixing various issues along with incompatibilities with PHP 7 and the recent release WordPress 4.5 Events Manager 5.6.3 Changes fixed events disappearing from calendar with WP FullCalendar plugin fixed PHP warning for delete booking when a user can’t manage booking removed our EM_PHPMailer class and started using the one shipped […]

5.6.2 Released

This latest release fixes various bugs including a few issues which cropped up in the weeks following the the latest WordPress 4.4 release. We have also done a large maintenance review of translations whilst migrating to the new way of translating Events Manager on As of now, our new text domain for translating Events […]

5.6.1 and Pro 2.4.3 Released

This latest update is a minor release which fixes various known bugs including a few introduced in v5.6 Events Manager 5.6.1 Changes fixed no arguments being passed onto em_get_post_meta_pre and em_get_post_pre fixed minor PHP warning when viewing settings in paged tab mode fixed em_event_save_pre and em_location_save_pre firing before the get_post and validate functions/filters via the […]

5.6 and Pro 2.4 Released

We’re happy to announce Events Manager 5.6 and Events Manager Pro 2.4 have been released today. This includes an important security update (Events Manager only), a large number of bug fixes, along with some very exciting improvements surrounding multi-lingual usage. It’s been quite a while since we’ve released an update. The main reason behind this […]

5.5.7 – Important XSS Security Update

Yesterday evening we received an email from the plugins team, reporting that an XSS vulnerability in Events Manager has been reported to them. Consequently they have temporarily taken down Events Manager whilst we fixed the problem, to prevent further people downloading vulnerable code. These vulnerabilities are minor/moderate and only applies to the main/free plugin Events Manager, […]