We’ve released Events Manager 5.7.3 which fixes a major bug with recurrences for some WordPress installations.
Additionally we added a couple of refinements to recurrences, including the ability to create patterns for the fifth day of a month, and the ability to edit recurrence times without having to recreate all recurrences from scratch.
Enjoy! More to come…
5.7.3 Changelog
- fixed previous meta not getting deleted from recurrences resulting in non-saved information such as a changed featured image or location
- fixed newly submitted recurrences first saved in draft or pending mode not creating new events without a reschedule
- fixed export settings button not working in MultiSite
- fixed CSS issue in search form advanced field dropdowns on firefox
- fixed PHP warning when displaying locations and events map via shortcode (kudos @Beee)
- fixed minor PHP warning on category admin pages where image isn’t defined (kudos @Beee)
- fixed booking admin ‘Add Note’ button not being translatable
- added fifth day of month in recurrences pattern
- added ability to change event times on recurring events without recreating recurrences