Events Manager 5.7.2 Multisite Bugfixes

We’ve had some MultiSite related bugs crop up since the 5.7 update two days ago, which are specific to those running MultiSite and even more so when using shared tables (i.e. Global Mode). We recommend updating immediately and apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We released 5.7.1 yesterday and 5.7.2 just now, which specifically fixes these issues. Here’s some more information about the issues related to these updates and also how to undo some of the changes that resulted from the bug fixed in 5.2.7:

Events Manager 5.7.1

Those running multisite may have received PHP warnings related to headers already being sent whilst in the admin area, or even seen the ‘White Screen of Death’ whilst trying to log in. This update fixes the issue and allows you to access your admin area.

If you aren’t able to log in and update, please try uploading the new update via FTP, or alternatively deleting our plugin via FTP, accessing the dashboard and adding it again via the automatic plugin installer in your dashboard. No data will be deleted in the process, your events and settings will remain perfectly safe.

This bug arose from an unfortunate situation where a specific file used in MultiSite somehow got corrupted whilst uploading to our internal SVN repository, barely noticeable during our final code review before releasing.

Events Manager 5.7.2

This release addresses an issue specific to those using MultiSite Global Tables mode, meaning sites in your network can show events from other sites on the network, and the main site can show all events on the network. The bug resulted in events created on subsites not appearing on event lists, as well as blank event entries on the main site list of events.

5.7.2 resolves this issue for newly saved events, but does not automatically fix previously saved events after updating to 5.7. To fix those events, simply visit them in the admin area and click ‘Publish’ again to resave them.

We’ve also added a new admin tool (which we’ve wanted to add for some time anyway) which cleans up the events database table of ‘orphaned’ or ‘ghost’ events, which is what we call these events that ended up showing up on your website as blank entries or events without a valid event page (and no corresponding event post in the dashboard). If you visit Dashboard > Network Admin > Events Manager > Admin Tools > Database Cleanup and click the “Remove Orphaned Events” button, it’ll remove those events.

We also recommend those running Pro to install the latest dev version, which only fixes a minor issue that affects the reported number of deleted orphaned events in the confirmation message vs. what was actually deleted. This is merely an aesthetic symptom and has no impact on functionality of the new admin tool, so updating is optional.

2 thoughts on “Events Manager 5.7.2 Multisite Bugfixes

Sue Sutcliffe

Have multisite image.
Deleted it from site #1
Site two ( working just find until this update, now says won’t update without valid code which is still there?
Help please.
Sue :D


Hi Sue,

Please ask this on our support forums, we can help you debug this there. It’d be helpful to know what specific error messages you’re seeing as I don’t know what you mean by ‘valid code’.

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