New WPML Compatability Plugin

For a long time now one of the most frequent questions we get is “Does this work with WPML” or for those that try the two together say “This doesn’t work well with WPML“. That told us two things: WPML is a very popular plugin! Certainly one of the best multilingual plugins out there. They’ve […]

5.3.2 Released

This release fixes one issue, which occurs if you are using MultiSite and our global tables mode with the newly released WordPress version 3.5. I you are using the above setup, upgrade to 5.3.2 now. Big thanks goes out to Fee who spotted the problem and persistently tested this to figure out the cause (and solution!).

New look, new logo, bring on 2013!

It’s been months in the making, but we’re finally here. Welcome to our new Events Manager and Events Manager Pro websites! A brand new look We’ve completely revamped our website, which also includes the unveiling of our new snazzy logos. Moreover, we’ve moved all Pro related downloads and support forums to making this site […]

5.3.1 Released

This release fixes some minor issues, but notably also potentially fixes some plugin conflicts particularly with MailPress and other mailing plugins, due to their incorrect usage of the_content OUTSIDE the loop (see the WP docs, first line). Changeset Updated russian translation, thanks to Alexander Tsinkalov improved how EM hooks into the_content and similar template tag […]

5.3 and Pro 2.2.5 Released

5.3 Template File Changes There is one small but important line to add if you are using our Attendee forms and you’ve overridden templates/forms/bookingform/ticket-single.php. See the diff for details on where to add this line  on your template if so. Changelog corrected date_format/dbem_date_format typo on templates/templates/my-bookings.php fixed calendar links with extra search args if using non-permalinks fixed […]

5.2.9 and Pro 2.2.4 Released

Another update, various improvements! One notable improvement is that our Attendee forms is now in Beta and available for use in Pro 2.2.4 within the Form Editor admin area. This has undergone a fair amount of testing, and the main thing preventing this from coming out of beta is lack of documentation, which we’ll be […]

5.2.8 (hotfix) Released

Within a few hours of releasing 5.2.7, some users reported two issues with the plugin, which included: The category page content not showing up. The end date picker whilst saving correctly, loaded the start date when refreshing the edit page. These are bugs that needed immediate fixes, so less than 24 hours have past and […]

Events Manager 5.2.7 Released

We’ve released another minor update with various tweaks and improvements. Expect a release for Pro within a few days, mostly including more minor fixes, but also with the Attendee forms coming out of alpha into beta! Template files affected A few template files required tweaking to fix/improve certain aspects, here’s a summary: /templates/forms/bookingform/ticket-single.php added ticket-price […]

5.2.6 and Pro 2.2.3 Released

Released late last week actually, but here’s a breakdown of the changes! 5.2.6 changed validation order for bookings (no validation done in EM_Event::get_post()) EM_Tickets_Bookings::$tickets_bookings now an associative array, keys are ticket id EM_Notices now accepts 2 level arrays for nested errors added em_bookings_table_export_options, em_bookings_admin_ticket_row actions added em_bookings_table_get_headers filter admins can now manually approve bookings regardless […]