The candles have been blown out, Santa left prezzies, a new year has started and the Kings have been and gone. It’s time to kick off the first full week of the year with an update!
Notable Events Manager Updates
There are two pretty important updates in Events Manager 5.3.3 which are worth mentioning:
Multilingual Support
We’ve added a new class and other tidbits to interface with MultiLingual plugins, and we’ve started off by writing and releasing a separate add-on to make Events Manager compatible with WPML, which is freely available on See the linked article for more information on this.
Advanced Performance Optimization Options
This is somewhat long overdue, but we’ve now added some options in the settings page to allow more control over what CSS and JavaScript files get loaded where by Events Manager. We’ve also written some comprehensive documentation on how to make the best of these new optimization options, as well as some overall optimization recommendations.
Moreover, we’ve also introduced support for WP Thumbnails, meaning that you can now opt to access static files and circumvent the usage of timthumb.php. See the optimization recommendation links above for more information on this too. There is one important detail opting for this new feature – If you use category image thumbnails, you’ll need to reselect them using the uploader, even if you’re reselecting the same image from the library then save the category again, because we now need to save the attachment ID along with just the direct URL to the thumbnail.
What’s next?
Well, lots of things! Last month we launched our new website along with a new Pro customer site, which frees up resources, which we’ll now be dedicating to adding various new features to Pro, doing some tidying up in the main plugin, and expanding on documentations/tutorials/snippets to help users and developers make the best of Events Manager.
Changelog for Events Manager 5.3.3
- changed taxonomy pages to use is_tax() to check whether page is a taxonomy page, rather than checking the $wp_query object
- fixed booked spaces being off if approvals are disabled and booking has status 0 from when approvals were enabled
- fixed bad usage of wpdb::prepare in classes/em-object.php
- added em_actions_locations_search_cond for autocompleter
- added Bermuda and Jersey to countries list
- fixed title rewriting warning when $sep is blank
- fixed BP ‘add event’ link appearing to all users on event profile pages
- fixed loading of unused post meta overwriting post fields/properties
- added multilingual capability
- added WPML add-on warning
- simplified enqueue of styles and scripts, now uses wp_enqueue_scripts action
- added performance optimization options for CSS and JS files
- removed usage of PHP sessions in exchange for temporary cookies
- added possibility to use wp thumbnails rather than timthumb (category images need resaving via uploader)
- added em-pagination span wrapper and em-tablenav-pagination classnames to normal and table pagination sections
- fixed location searches not returning results admin-side in MS global tables with locations on main blog
- updated JS for location map to update when location name changed
- added pagination and limits to location and category event list placeholders.
- updated finnish language
- fixed minor php warning when deleting a user with no events in MultiSite
- fixed php warnings on category pages using formats, major change to how formats are overridden, now rewrites WP_Query completely
- added em_options_page_panel_admin_tools action to admin tools section of options page
- fixed #_BOOKINGPRICE and other booking price placeholders not using currency formatting option
- fixed permissions issue with groups plugin (thx itthinx)
- added Slovak translation, thanks to Branco
- added em_bookings_table_row_booking_price_ticket filter (needed for Pro ticket exports w/coupons)
- added default rows/cols attributes to booking form textarea field for valid html
- fixed conflict with caching plugins and booking forms due to cached wpnonces
- added #_CATEGORYDESCRIPTION to default EM filters of content placeholders
- updated timthumb.php to version 2.8.11
Changelog for Events Manager Pro 2.2.6
- fixed events with one non-required ticket not showing 1 attendee form (when shown in ticket table format)
- fixed some non-translated strings, updated pot file
- added Russian translation
- fixed registered user info not showing up on booking details/exports if no-user mode and manual booking is made
- fixed dates and other fields not being formatted when displayed using placeholders e.g. in emails
- updated French translation
- adding ‘define(‘EMP_SHARED_CUSTOM_FIELDS’,true);’ to your wp-config.php file allows user field ids to not be prefixed with dbem_ (for sharing user meta with other plugins)
- added compatibility with new script loading system
- fixed PayPal IPN verification mechanism, including fallback for curl on servers with outdated SSL certificates
- limited admin JS loading
- added fix for badly saved/displaying user meta date/time fields, added installation script to fix previously bad date/time user meta values
- added fix for normal field country output formatting
- added coupon calculation to CSV ticket total calculation
- added removal of header in CSV if EM_CSV_DISABLE_HEADERS is defined
- added coupon code column to booking tables and csv export
- fixed IE8/safari form editor display issues
- fixed manual bookings allowing double bookings depending on EM settings
- fixed updates not accessing update information e.g. changelogs from our servers
- changed em_booking_add apply_filter to add_action (since it’s an action)
4 thoughts on “5.3.3 and Pro 2.5.6 Released”
There’s a Notice with the new upgrade (not Pro)
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ID in /home/refoto/public_html/new/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/events-manager.php on line 200
It’s when I access my archive pages and there’s the calendar widget in the sidebar.
Cheers, and thanks for the update!
can’t reproduce but I see how it could happen, will fix in next update
I didn’t dig much into this, but great if you see why it happens.
Thanks for the quick reply!
easy fix, replace the line in your error with:
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