It’s been just over a month that we’ve released an update, which by our standards is longer than usual! Aside from fixing various bugs that we were made aware of in the meantime, this update mainly focuses on making some core code improvements to allow us to add more powerful features to both free and Pro plugins.
The main reason for this focus is because we’ve been working on a pretty exciting Pro feature – Multiple Bookings – which is now in the form of a working alpha (meaning not ‘officially’ a pro feature yet) and is available for use in the latest Pro update (you need to update to EM 5.3.6 as well). You can see some preliminary documentation to help you activate this new feature as well as a working demo to see it in action.
We’re already starting work on the next update, which will be dedicated to polishing off this new feature, tying up some more loose ends as well as taking some time to improve some aspects of integration with MultiSite (mostly revolving around allowing/restricting certain settings available to blog admins).
We look forward to the coming weeks and the exciting things they have in store whilst we move onto the next update!
Events Manager 5.3.6 Changelog
- added is_free, is_free_now, not_free and not_free_now conditional placeholders
- modified EM_Event::is_free() so it can also check if event is free at that moment,
- added do_shortcode filter to dbem_notes so shortcode is parsed outside single event pages
- fixed category filtering when using negative/positive combinations
- fixed category filtering in MS Global mode
- fixed missing menus items for normal blog admins in MS without plugin caps
- updated italian and swedish
- added finish countries translations
- added sorting for countries lists (previously sorted by country code)
- updated POT file
- updated French, updated German (unfuzzied loads of strings, may need some corrections)
- booking meta now uses maybe_unserialize on instantiation
- separated booking validation from save function
- moved user registration logic during bookings into a reusable function
- cleaned up the email admin setting panels for submissions and booking templates
- booking email messages array now generated in separate function
- added em_get_location and em_get_event filters for event/location object retrieval functions
- added em_get_booking getter function with corresponding filter and changed all used of new EM_Booking()
- added em_bookings_admin_page action at start of booking admin pages
- added taxes functions to booking and object classes
- added get_admin_url function for booking object
- added get_price_taxes function to booking object
- added bookings filter condition to exclude bookings with event_id of 0 by default (for Pro Multi-Bookings)
- added data response as second argument to jQuery em_maps_locations_hook event
- fixed bookings form showing on password-protected events
- fixed MS Global blog switching issues when saving
- fixed $EM_Booking->get_tickets() returning all tickets rather than tickets in specific booking
- fixed hidden BP groups not showing to admins
- fixed some German translation file inconsistencies
- fixed blank datepickers if date format is left blank in settings
- fixed tags filter searching multiple tags returning no events
- fixed some MultiSite PHP warnings when adding/deleting sites
- fixed booking button not showing cancel if event is fully booked
- changed booking button so only one booking can be made
- fixed attributes not showing on event submission forms if categories are disabled (option name typo)
- added editable form, so no-user bookings user data can also be edited
- changed booking form JS enqueueing by moving it into EM_Bookings object as a function
- changed booking JS to use on() event delegation for more AJAX compatibility
- fixed some booking form CSS field styling inconsistencies
- fixed issues with locations on sub-blogs when in MultiSite Global mode with locations restricted to main blog
- fixed duplicate confirmations/warnings on MultiSite location admin pages
- changed (improved) EM_Object::can_manage method to avoid extra calls and potential warnings
- changed csv export of single event so the file name = the event name
Events Manager 2.3 Changelog
- fixed newly created user during booking not being deleted on bad card info via
- updated Swedish translation
- fixed php warning
- fixed permission problems in MS preventing form editor and other admin screens from showing to admins without plugin rights
- updated Swedish
- fixed newly created users not being deleted in MultiSite if bad card info is supplied
- added Multiple Bookings feature
- fixed MultiSite PHP warning on blog creation when visiting blog first time round
- added hooks to edit no-user booking personal information and custom user fields (requires EM or higher)
- better template/class renaming, adjusted AJAX loading methods to account for caching plugins
- moved email reminders out of beta
- fixed checkboxes, radios and multiselect custom fields in booking form not being editable by admin
- fixed checkboxes, radios and multiselect attendee fields not being correctly editable by admin
- fixed some attendee form display and CSS issues
- fixed tips not appearing for core user fields