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If you are migrating from Events Manager 5.x to 6.x, please read our migration guide.


In most cases, you'll find that there is a conflict between EM and a plugin you have installed or maybe even your theme.  When troubleshooting, it's always advised you try the following steps before asking for help, which are in line with WordPress official troubleshooting suggestions:

  • Deactivate your other plugins temporarily and see if your problem persists.
  • Switch to a default WordPress theme. If using BuddyPress, the default theme of BP will do too.
  • Try using the WP Safe Mode plugin, developed by us, which allows you to test your site with the above conditions but without deactivating plugins or switching themes for the rest of your site visitors, only you!

Below is a list of common issues that may occur, in most situations, there's always a solution. If you don't find the answer here or on the other documentation pages, we do provide support for both free and pro plugins. Whilst we check the Pro support forums regularly throughout the day on weekdays, we also do our best to visit the free WordPress community forum on a daily basis as well.

Google Maps Issues

This is likely an API setup issue and we recommend you check out our Google Maps documentation and follow the steps carefully for setting this up, as well as reading the common troubleshooting issues there.

Booking Emails are not getting sent

Please make sure you have chosen WP Mail as your sending method and test out your email connection in Events > Settings > Emails > General Options. We suggest you check out our email setup instructions and recommendations, if none of this helps, please let us know on our support forums.

When trying to view an event I get a 404 or "no events" page

  • Please try choosing an Events Page in Events > Settings > Pages > Event Lists/Archives and resave your permalinks.
    • We recommend choosing a page dedicated to Events and/or creating a new page for it if you haven't already.
    • Events Manager should have created an Events Page for you already, if not then that may be the reason you're experiencing issues and creating/assigning a new Events page may help.
  • Try re-saving your WordPress permalink settings in Settings > Permalinks from your admin dashboard.
  • When testing after deactivating plugins and switching themes, you should re-save your permalinks after deactivating/switching.

My DatePicker isn't working, so I can't enter or edit events?!

In most cases where this happens, it is a result of your theme not using the internal WordPress jQuery libraries, resulting in an error when we try to use them. Your theme should be using the same version of jQuery as WordPress. Read Marcus' post about themes overriding the default jQuery libraries  for more information on fixing your theme.

All seems fine, but when viewing events, locations, categories, booking emails etc. on my site, not all information is shown!

This is probably because you haven't added the relevant placeholders to your display templates. This is done by visiting Events > Settings > Formatting in the admin area, and scrolling down to the appropriate settings you want to change. You should also read our placeholders documentation

For example, if you'd like to add the event description to the single event page, scroll down to the option labelled "Default single event format" and add the #_EVENTNOTES placeholder.

When I add an event, it doesn't show up in the events list!

There's two common reasons for this:

  1. Does the user adding the event have permissions to publish the event? If not (see Events > Settings > User Capabilities) then an admin has to approve the event first.
  2. Do you have a caching plugin? You should avoid caching the event page if your plugin allows this due to dynamic data on that page.

The permission of the `wp-content/uploads` directory should be properly set (to 755) otherwise you will not b able to save location pictures.

My navigation pages get screwed up when viewing an event page

This happens on a few random themes. If you find that your navigation page menus are getting rewritten with the title of the event, chances are your theme is not generating menus according to WordPress standards, or there's a conflicting plugin. However, not to worry, there is a workaround!

Go to Events > Settings > Pages  in the admin menu and set 'Disable title rewriting?' to Yes in the Events List/Archives panel. When you do this, just below you'll also have an option of formatting the secondary title that is inserted as a result.

Conflicting plugins

Below is a list of known conflicting plugins.  Note that this list is not maintained regularly and there may well be other conflicting plugins. In most cases, we'll do our best to work with the plugin developer to resolve any conflicts, although depending which plugin is causing the issue the responsibility for solving the problem may lie with the other plugin developer team.

If you do find a conflicting plugin, let us know on the support forums and if it's not possible to resolve we'll add it here.

  • Other event plugins (to be safe, you're best off having one events plugin activated at one time)

If you're a developer of one of these plugins and have resolved the issue, please let us know and we'll take you off this list.