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Events Manager has a templating syntax that lets you customise events information in the events list and pages. You can use this syntax both in the Events Manager Settings page and in the template tags or shortcodes that you might insert in your theme templates or pages/posts. The syntax is quite simple, just write your html code in the usual way, then you can add a number of placeholders corresponding to the information you want to show.

See the bottom of this page for a few examples.

When you’d like to show information pertaining to events, you can choose from the following. In all cases, you should also be able to call location related placeholders.

Event Details

#_EVENTID Shows the event ID number in the wp_em_events table.
#_EVENTPOSTID Shows the event corresponding Post ID in the wp_posts table.
#_EVENTNAME Displays the name of the event.
#_EVENTNOTES Shows the description of the event.
#_EVENTEXCERPT If an excerpt has been added to the event, it will be used. If you added a more tag to your event description, only the content before this tag will show.
#_EVENTEXCERPT{words,...} If an excerpt has not been added to the event you can use this format #_EVENTEXCERPT{10,...}, where 10 is the number of words to show and ... is what is used at the cut-off point.
#_EVENTEXCERPTCUT #_EVENTEXCERPT (and also accepts the {words,...} arguments) but will also cut excerpts as well as post content. Default word limit is 55 and cut-off is [...]
#_EVENTIMAGE Shows the event image, if available.
#_EVENTIMAGE{x,y} Shows the event image thumbnail, x and y are width and height respectively, both being numbers e.g. #_EVENTIMAGE{100,100}. If 0 is used for either width or height, the corresponding dimension will be proportionally sized
#_EVENTCATEGORIES Shows a list of category links this event belongs to.
#_EVENTCATEGORIESLINE Displays all event categories in a single, comma-separated line, or the default no categories message defined in settings.
#_EVENTCATEGORIESIMAGES Shows a list of category images this event belongs to. Categories without an image will be ignored.
#_EVENTTAGS Shows a list of tag links this event belongs to.
#_EVENTLOCATION Displays information about the event location, which is different from a physical location. See our documentation for more information.
#_EVENTSTATUS A textual representation of the event status, such as Active or Cancelled
#_EVENTTAGSLINE Displays all event tags in a single, comma-separated line, or the default no tags message defined in settings.

Recurring Events

Events which are recurrences can output information about the recurring pattern or recurring event itself (a template for all recurrences).


Combine this with the {is_recurrence_} conditional placeholder to display in lists where some events are not recurring.

#_RECURRINGDATERANGE A range of dates from when the recurrences start and end.
#_RECURRINGID The recurring ID, which all recurrences share. This is equivalent to the Event ID of the recurring event.
#_RECURRINGPATTERN Textual representation of the recurrence pattern, such as Saturday every 3 weeks

Date and Times

These are shortcut placeholders for pre-formatted dates and times. See the Custom Date/Time Formatting section below for more refined formatting placeholders.

#_24HSTARTTIME Start time in a 24 hours format (e.g. 16:30).
#_24HENDTIME End time in a 24 hours format (e.g. 18:30).
#_12HSTARTTIME Start time in a 12 hours format (e.g. 4:30 PM).
#_12HENDTIME End time in a 12 hours format (e.g. 6:30 PM).
#_EVENTSTARTDATE Start date of the event
#_EVENTTIMES Displays either a single time, time-span, or "All Day" depending on your event times. Format is taken from your Events Manager settings page.
#_EVENTDATES Displays either a single date or a date range depending on your event dates. Format is taken from your Events Manager settings page.

Custom Date/Time Formatting

Events Manager allows extremely flexible date formatting by using PHP date syntax format characters along with placeholders.

# or #@ Prepend # or #@ before a valid PHP date syntax format character to show start and end date/time information respectively (e.g. #F will show the starting month name like "January", #@h shows the end hour).
#_{x} or #@_{x} You can also create a date format without prepending # to each character by wrapping a valid php date() format in #_{} or #@_{} (e.g. #_{d/m/Y}). If there is no end date (or is same as start date), the value is not shown. This is useful if you want to show event end dates only on events that are longer than one day, e.g. #j #M #Y #@_{ \u\n\t\i\l j M Y}.

Timezones, Date and Times

Events can have their own timezones, so that events held in various parts of the world are recorded according to their real local time. You can display timezone information in your event formats too.

Timezone Formats

Timezone formats are provided by WordPress which use PHP Timezone names, which can also include manual UTC offsets.

Local user timezones are derived via Javascript from the user browser and adheres to the same formatting as PHP

#_EVENTTIMEZONE Event timezone with spaces instead of underscores, such as America/New York
#_EVENTTIMEZONERAW Event timezone without spaces instead of underscores, such as America/New York
#_EVENTTIMEZONELOCAL The local timezone of the viewing user, this using Javascript to determine browser location and timezone.

Site Timezone Date/Times

These placeholders are extensions of the default Date/Time placeholders, but instead will display the time of the event relative to your WordPress timezone rather than the local time of the event itself.

Timezone Settings

Your WordPress site timezone is found in your Dashboard > Settings > General settings page.


Dates and times may differ according to timezones, for example an event near midnight in USA would show up as next day, early morning in Europe.

#_12HSTARTTIME_SITE #_12HSTARTTIME relative to your site timezone.
#_12HENDTIME_SITE #_12HENDTIME relative to your site timezone.
#_24HSTARTTIME_SITE #_24HSTARTTIME relative to your site timezone.
#_24HENDTIME_SITE #_24HENDTIME relative to your site timezone.
#_EVENTDATES_SITE #_EVENTDATES relative to your site timezone (dates can be different for events near midnight in a different timezone).
#_EVENTTIMES_SITE #_EVENTTIMES but displays times relative to your site timezone.
#__{x} or #@__{x} Same as #_{x} or #@_{x} relative to your site timezone.

Viewer Timezone Date/Times

These placeholders are extensions of the default Date/Time placeholders, but instead will display the time of the event relative to the visitor timezone rather than the local event start time.


We use moment.js Javascript to output local times, which is shipped with WordPress core.

This time is based on the user browser settings and JavaScript, so this may not always be accurate if a visitor is travelling and does not update their browser timezone, or if they have disabled JS on their browser.


Dates and times may differ according to timezones, for example an event near midnight in USA would show up as next day, early morning in Europe.

#_12HSTARTTIME_LOCAL #_12HSTARTTIME in user local time.
#_12HENDTIME_LOCAL #_12HENDTIME in user local time.
#_12HTIMES_LOCAL #_12HTIMES in user local time.
#_24HTIMES_LOCAL #_24HTIMES in user local time.
#_24HSTARTTIME_LOCAL #_24HSTARTTIME in user local time.
#_24HENDTIME_LOCAL #_24HENDTIME in user local time.
#_EVENTTIMES_LOCAL #_EVENTTIMES in user local time.
#_EVENTTIMES_LOCAL{...} #_EVENTTIMES_LOCAL but displays custom format by replacing ... with documented Moment JS formatting syntax.
#_EVENTDATES_LOCAL #_EVENTDATES relative to your site timezone (dates can be different for events near midnight in a different timezone).
#_EVENTDATES_LOCAL{...} #_EVENTDATES_LOCAL but displays custom format by replacing ... with documented Moment JS formatting syntax.


#_EVENTIMAGEURL Shows the event image url, if available.
#_EVENTURL Simply prints the event URL. You can use this placeholder to build your own customised links.
#_EVENTLINK Displays the event name with a link to the event page.
#_EDITEVENTLINK Inserts a link to the admin or buddypress (if activated) edit event page, only if a user is logged in and is allowed to edit the event.
#_EDITEVENTURL Inserts a url to the admin or buddypress (if activated) edit event page, only if a user is logged in and is allowed to edit the event.

Custom Attributes

Events Manager allows you to create dynamic attributes to your events, which act as extra information fields for your events (e.g. "Dress Code"). For more information see our online documentation for more info on attributes.

#_ATT{key} This key will appear as an option when adding attributes to your event.
#_ATT{key}{alternative text} This key will appear as an option when adding attributes to your event. The text in the second braces will appear if the attribute is not defined or left blank for that event.
#_ATT{key}{option 1|option 2|option 3|etc.} This key will appear as an option when adding attributes to your event. The second braces are optional and will use a select box with these values as input. If no valid value is defined, the first option is used.


These placeholders will only show if bookings are enabled for the given event and in the events manager settings page. Spaces placeholders will default to 0.

#_BOOKINGFORM Adds a booking forms for this event.
#_BOOKINGBUTTON A single button that will appear to logged in users, if they click on it a booking will be made. This button will automatically book the first available ticket if more than one ticket exists for the event, and will also circumvent any payment requirements. Use in combination with conditional placeholders such as is_free to avoid unpaid bookings.
#_BOOKINGSCUTOFF The cut-off date and time, at which point bookings can't be made for the event.
#_BOOKINGSCUTOFFDATE The cut-off date for bookings of the event.
#_BOOKINGSCUTOFFTIME The cut-off time for bookings of the event.
#_AVAILABLESPACES Shows available spaces for the event.
#_BOOKEDSPACES Shows the amount of currently booked spaces for the event.
#_PENDINGSPACES Shows the amount of pending spaces for the event.
#_SPACES Shows the total spaces for the event.
#_ATTENDEES Shows the list of user avatars attending the event.
#_ATTENDEESLIST Shows the list of people attending the event.
#_ATTENDEESPENDINGLIST Shows the list of people with a pending booking for the event.
#_BOOKINGSURL Shows the url to the admin, front-end or buddypress (if activated) bookings management page for this event. Only shown if user is logged in and able to manage bookings.
#_BOOKINGSLINK Shows a link to the admin, front-end or buddypress (if activated) bookings management page for this event. Only shown if user is logged in and able to manage bookings.
#_EVENTPRICERANGE Shows a "maximum - minimum" price range for available tickets at the time of display, or a single price if there is no range. Once bookings are closed this will show a 0 value, if you have enabled 'Show unavailable tickets' in your booking settings these will be included. Price is formatted according to currency formatting in your settings page.
#_EVENTPRICERANGEALL Like #_EVENTPRICERANGE but shows all tickets price range whether or not bookings or individual tickets are available.
#_EVENTPRICEMIN Shows the lowest available ticket price for this event. Will display a value of 0 if no ticket is available.
#_EVENTPRICEMAX Shows the highest available ticket price for this event. Will display a value of 0 if no ticket is available.
#_EVENTPRICEMINALL Shows the lowest ticket price for this event, whether available or not.
#_EVENTPRICEMAXALL Shows the highest ticket price for this event, whether available or not.

Event RSVP Policies Pro

Event RSVP Policies Pro Feature

Events Manager Pro allows for setting RSVP policies and endpoints for users to visit and quickly confirm their attendance.

Conditional Placeholders

Display this information based whether an event has RSVP enabled via the {has_rsvp_policy} and similar RSVP-related conditional placeholders.

#_EVENT_RSVP_DEADLINE_DATE Represents the deadline date for an event RSVP, at which point RSVP policy is enforced.
#_EVENT_RSVP_DEADLINE_TIME Shows the deadline time for an event RSVP, at which point RSVP policy is enforced.
#_EVENT_RSVP_DEADLINE_TIMEZONE Displays the timezone associated with the event RSVP deadline.
#_EVENT_RSVP_POLICY_TYPE Type ID of RSVP policy applicable to the event RSVP, such as open,strict,flexible.
#_EVENT_RSVP_POLICY_NAME Displayable RSPV policy name governing the event, such as Open, Strict, Flexible.
#_EVENT_RSVP_POLICY_DESCRIPTION Description of the policy applied to the event RSVP.

Waitlists Pro

Waitlists Pro Feature

Some events may have waitlists enabled, with varying policies, and events fully booked may be displaying waitlist information.

Conditional Placeholders

Display this information only if an event has Waitlists enabled via the {has_waitlist} and similar RSVP-related conditional placeholders.

#_WAITLIST_EXPIRY Represents the number of hours an approved waitlisted booking keeps available spaces reserved.
#_WAITLIST_SPACES Indicates the maximum number of spaces available to be waitlisted.
#_WAITLIST_BOOKING_LIMIT The maximum number of spaces per booking allowed on the waitlist for an event.
#_WAITLIST_WAITING Displays the number of people currently waiting on the waitlist (not including those approved but not yet booked).
#_WAITLIST_AVAILABLE Shows the number of spaces left to reserve on the waitlist, indicating 'Unlimited' if no limit is set.
#_WAITLIST_SPACES_RESERVED The number of spaces already reserved under a booking on the waitlist.
#_WAITLIST_SPACES_APPROVED The number of approved spaces on the waitlist that have not yet been booked.

Contact Details

The values here are taken from the chosen contact for the specific event, or the default contact in the settings page.

#_CONTACTNAME Name of the contact person for this event (as shown in the dropdown when adding an event).
#_CONTACTUSERNAME Contact person's username.
#_CONTACTEMAIL E-mail of the contact person for this event.
#_CONTACTURL Website of the contact person for this event.
#_CONTACTPHONE Phone number of the contact person for this event. Can be set in the user profile page.
#_CONTACTAVATAR Contact person's avatar.
#_CONTACTPROFILELINK Contact person's "Profile" link. Only works with BuddyPress enabled.
#_CONTACTPROFILEURL Contact person's profile url. Only works with BuddyPress enabled.
#_CONTACTID Contact person's WordPress user ID.
#_CONTACTMETA Display any user meta of a WordPress account by including the meta key, e.g. #_CONTACTMETA{dbem_phone}


Every event has a unique URL which can be used to add to calendar apps or clients. Most calendar apps will accept the standard iCal format.

#_EVENTADDTOCALENDAR Displays an 'Add To Calendar' dropdown which users can select from different formats such as iCal, Google, Outlook etc.
#_EVENTICALURL Displays the URL of the event ical feed (ics file format).
#_EVENTICALLINK Displays an html link to the event ical feed (ics file format).

3rd Party Calendars

We also have specific links for popular 3rd party apps such as Google Calendar, Office 365 and Outlook Live.

#_EVENTGCALURL Displays URL which would take the user to Google Calendar and pre-fill their add new event form.
#_EVENTGCALLINK Displays a button which would take the user to Google Calendar and pre-fill their add new event form.
#_EVENTOFFICE365LINK Office 365 add-to-calendar link to event, with 'Office 365' link text.
#_EVENTOFFICE365URL Office 365 add-to-calendar url.
#_EVENTOUTLOOKLIVELINK Outlook Live add-to-calendar link to event, with 'Outlook Live' link text.
#_EVENTOUTLOOKLIVEURL Outlook Live add-to-calendar url.
#_EVENTWEBCALURL #_EVENTICALURL, but using the webcal:// protocol, which will open up various calendar apps automatically including iCalendar, Outlook and Google Calendar.
#_EVENTWEBCALLINK #_EVENTICALLINK, but using the webcal:// protocol, which will open up various calendar apps automatically including iCalendar, Outlook and Google Calendar.

Imported Events Pro

Imported Events Pro Feature

#_EMIOEVENTURL The URL of the external imported event.
#_EMIOBOOKINGSURL Provides a URL where bookings for the event can be made or viewed.
#_EMIOBOOKINGSPRICE Displays the price for bookings, formatted according to site settings for currency symbols and decimal places.
#_EMIOCURRENCY Represents the currency used for event bookings, showing the full currency name.
#_EMIOCURRENCYSYMBOL Shows the currency symbol used for event bookings.
#_EMIOSPACES Indicates the total number of spaces available for bookings, as provided by the imported data.
#_EMIOAVAILABLESPACES Displays the number of spaces still available for booking at the current time of import.
#_EMIOBOOKEDSPACES Shows the number of spaces that have been confirmed as booked at time of import.

If an event has a physical location, or if you are showing a location directly the following placeholders can be used.


If you have combinations of events with physical and virtual events, you can make use of our conditional placeholders, such as {has_location}

Location Details

#_LOCATIONID Shows the event ID number in the wp_em_locations table.
#_LOCATIONPOSTID Shows the location corresponding Post ID in the wp_posts table.
#_LOCATIONNAME Displays the location name.
#_LOCATIONNOTES Shows the location description.
#_LOCATIONEXCERPT If an excerpt has been added to the location, it will be used. If you added a more tag to your location description, only the content before this tag will show.
#_LOCATIONEXCERPT{words, ...} If an excerpt has not been added to the location, only a specific length is shown, e.g. #_EVENTEXCERPT{10,...} where 10 is the number of words to show and ... is what is used at the cut-off point.
#_LOCATIONEXCERPTCUT #_LOCATIONEXCERPT (and also accepts the {words,...} arguments) but will also cut excerpts as well as post content. Default word limit is 55 and cut-off is [...].
#_LOCATIONIMAGE Shows the location image.
#_LOCATIONIMAGE{x,y} Shows the location image thumbnail, x and y are width and height respectively, both being numbers e.g. #_LOCATIONIMAGE{100,100}. If 0 is used for either width or height, the corresponding dimension will be proportionally sized.
#_LOCATIONIMAGEURL Shows the location image url, if available.
#_LOCATIONFULLLINE Shows a comma-separated line of location information, omitting blanks (format of address, town, state, postcode, region).
#_LOCATIONFULLBR Shows a line-break (br tag) separated location information, omitting blanks (format of address, town, state, postcode, region).

Address Information

#_LOCATIONADDRESS Displays the address.
#_LOCATIONTOWN Displays the town.
#_LOCATIONSTATE Displays the state/county.
#_LOCATIONPOSTCODE Displays the postcode.
#_LOCATIONREGION Displays the region.
#_LOCATIONCOUNTRY Displays the country.

Maps and Coordinates

#_LOCATIONLONGITUDE Displays the longitude, used for locating in Google Maps.
#_LOCATIONLATITUDE Displays the latitude, used for locating in Google Maps.
#_LOCATIONMAP Displays a google map showing where the location is located (Will not show if maps are disabled in the settings page).
#_LOCATIONMAP{x,y} #_LOCATIONMAP with width and height, in pixels. Height is optional and it also accepts percentages such as #_LOCATIONMAP{100%,300} for a full-width map with 300px height.

Custom Attributes

Events Manager allows you to create dynamic attributes to your locations, which act as extra information fields for your locations (e.g. "Dress Code"). For more information see our online documentation for more info on attributes.

#_LATT{key} This key will appear as an option when adding attributes to your location.
#_LATT{key}{alternative text} This key will appear as an option when adding attributes to your location. The text in the second braces will appear if the attribute is not defined or left blank for that location.
#_LATT{key}{option 1|option 2|option 3|etc.} This key will appear as an option when adding attributes to your location. The second braces are optional and will use a select box with these values as input. If no valid value is defined, the first option is used.
#_LOCATIONURL Simply prints the location URL. You can use this placeholder to build your own customised links.
#_LOCATIONLINK Displays the location name with a link to the location page.
#_EDITLOCATIONLINK Inserts a link to the admin or buddypress (if activated) edit location page, only if a user is logged in and is allowed to edit the location.
#_EDITLOCATIONURL Inserts a url to the admin or buddypress (if activated) edit location page, only if a user is logged in and is allowed to edit the location.

You can show lists of other events that are being held at this location. The formatting of the list is the same as a normal events list.

#_LOCATIONPASTEVENTS Will show a list of all past events at this location.
#_LOCATIONNEXTEVENTS Will show a list of all future events at this location.
#_LOCATIONALLEVENTS Will show a list of all events at this location.
#_LOCATIONNEXTEVENT Will show a link to the next event at this location, or the no events message.

iCal/RSS Feeds

#_LOCATIONICALURL Displays the URL of the location ical feed (ics file format) which shows all events happening at that location.
#_LOCATIONICALLINK Displays an html link to the event ical feed (ics file format) which shows all events happening at that location.
#_LOCATIONWEBCALURL #_LOCATIONICALURL, but using the webcal:// protocol, which will open up various calendar apps automatically including iCalendar, Outlook and Google Calendar.
#_LOCATIONWEBCALLINK #_LOCATIONICALLINK, but using the webcal:// protocol, which will open up various calendar apps automatically including iCalendar, Outlook and Google Calendar.
#_LOCATIONRSSURL Displays the URL of an RSS feed showing all upcoming events happening at this location.
#_LOCATIONRSSLINK Displays an html link to an RSS feed showing all upcoming events happening at this location.

In most cases you should also be able to use event and location placeholders when able to use these, which will show the event and corresponding location that has been booked for.

Individual Booking Information

When a specific booking is displayed (on screen and on email), you can use these placeholders to show specific information about the booking. Event and Location placeholders are also available in these cases.

#_BOOKINGID The unique ID number for this booking, useful if you are making your own customizations to this plugin. Consider using #_BOOKING_UUID to display IDs to users, since booking IDs are just auto-incrementing numbers.
#_BOOKING_UUID The [UUID](,Acronym) of this booking without hyphens, which serves as a more ambiguous alternative to #_BOOKINGID. For example, 550e8400e29b41d4a716446655440000
#_BOOKINGNAME Name of person who made the booking.
#_BOOKINGEMAIL Email of person who made the booking.
#_BOOKINGPHONE Phone number of person who made the booking.
#_BOOKINGSPACES Number of spaces the person has booked.
#_BOOKINGCOMMENT Any specific comments made by the person who made the booking.
#_BOOKINGSUMMARY Shows a breakdown of price/quantity booked by ticket, followed by a summary of price totals, taxes, and other discounts applied.
#_BOOKING_STATUS Status of the booking, such as Approved, Pending, Cancelled, etc.

Custom Booking Forms Pro

Pro Feature

These features are available as part of the Booking Form customization features available in Events Manager Pro

#_BOOKINGATTENDEES Generates a list of attendee information displaying the filled in form data for each attendee (requires individual attendee forms enabled for the event). This list is split by ticket type, then by individual attendee.
#_BOOKINGFORMCUSTOMFIELDS Generates a list of booking form custom fields that are used in the booking.
#_BOOKINGFORMCUSTOM{field_id} Shows booking form custom fields. The field_id value must match that of your custom booking form field.
#_BOOKINGFORMCUSTOMREG{field_id} Shows booking form custom fields that are used for guest user registration. The field_id value must match that of your custom booking form field.


Display formatting of prices is decided by your settings in Settings > Bookings > Pricing Options

#_BOOKINGPRICE Displays booking total price (tax inclusion depends on your booking settings).
#_BOOKINGPRICETAX Displays booking total tax.
#_BOOKINGPRICEWITHOUTTAX Displays booking total without tax.
#_BOOKINGPRICEWITHTAX Displays booking total with tax.



Single ticket placeholders (all below except #_BOOKINGTICKETS), will select the first available ticket in the event of a booking with multiple tickets.

#_BOOKINGTICKETS Shows a breakdown of tickets and pricing, defined in the emails/bookingtickets.php template. (See Using Template Files for more information)
#_BOOKINGTICKETDESCRIPTION Shows the description of the first ticket booked.
#_BOOKINGTICKETNAME Name of the ticket booked. Useful in single ticket mode, if multiple tickets are booked a random ticket is used.
#_BOOKINGTICKETPRICE Shows the price of the first ticket booked, tax inclusion depending on your booking settings.
#_BOOKINGTICKETPRICEWITHOUTTAX Shows the price excluding tax of the first ticket booked.
#_BOOKINGTICKETPRICEWITHTAX Shows the price including tax of the first ticket booked.
#_BOOKINGTICKETTAX Shows the tax of the first ticket booked.

QR Codes Pro

QR Codes Pro Feature


These placeholders can only be used in custom code or overriding templates, when you are looping through bookings and individual ticket spaces.

QR codes are automatically output in PDF ticket attachments.

#_TICKETBOOKING_QR Displays a QR code img html element for the ticket booking.
#_TICKETBOOKING_QR_URL Provides the URL to the QR code image for the ticket booking.
#_TICKETBOOKING_BASE64 Encodes the QR code image for the ticket booking into a Base64 string, suitable for embedding directly into web pages or emails.


Conditional Placeholders

Display this if event has RSVP enabled via the {has_rsvp_policy} and similar RSVP-related conditional placeholders.

#_BOOKING_RSVP_STATUS The RSVP status of the booking, values are Unconfirmed, Attending, Not Attending
#_BOOKING_RSVP_URL Pro URL mobile-friendly endpoint users can visit and quickly click the Attending or Not Attending checkboxes.

Waitlists Pro

Waitlists Pro Feature

Conditional Placeholders

Display this information only if an event has Waitlists enabled via the {has_waitlist} and similar RSVP-related conditional placeholders.

#_WAITLIST_BOOKING_EXPIRY Provides the remaining time before the waitlist booking expires.
#_WAITLIST_BOOKING_EXPIRED Shows the time remaining if not yet expired or the passed since expiry.
#_WAITLIST_BOOKING_AHEAD Shows the number of people ahead of the current booking on the waitlist.
#_WAITLIST_BOOKING_BEHIND Displays the number of reservations behind the current booking on the waitlist.
#_WAITLIST_BOOKING_POSITION Represents the current booking's position in the waitlist line.
#_WAITLIST_BOOKING_SPACES_AHEAD Counts the total spaces reserved in bookings ahead of the current one on the waitlist.
#_WAITLIST_BOOKING_URL Provides the URL for managing the specific waitlist booking, allowing a user to cancel their waitlist.

Booking Dates

These placeholders refer to when the booking was made by the customer.

#_BOOKINGDATE The date of the booking.
#_BOOKINGDATETIME Date and time of the booking.
#_BOOKINGTIME The time when the booking was made.

People are able to manage their bookings. Below are some placeholders which automatically provide correctly formatted URLs.

#_BOOKINGADMINURL URL for admins to view and manage the booking. This should only be used on admin-specific email templates.
#_BOOKINGADMINLINK HTML link for admins to view and manage the booking. This should only be used on admin-specific email templates.
#_BOOKINGLISTURL URL to page showing that users booked events.

Payments Pro

Payments Pro Feature

Information pertaining to specific gateways. Requires Events Manager Pro.

#_BOOKINGTXNID Online Payments Only - Prints the transaction ID of this booking if available.

Coupons Pro

Coupons Pro Feature

When a booking has been made with a coupon, you can display coupon information using these placeholders. If no coupon is used, nothing will be shown. Requires Events Manager Pro.

#_BOOKINGCOUPON Displays the coupon code followed by the amount/percentage discounted.
#_BOOKINGCOUPONCODE Displays the coupon code used.
#_BOOKINGCOUPONNAME Displays the name given to this coupon.
#_BOOKINGCOUPONDISCOUNT Displays amount/percentage discounted (e.g. 25% Off).
#_BOOKINGCOUPONDESCRIPTION Displays the coupon description.

Category Placeholders

When displaying category lists, or formatting a single category page, you can choose from the following:

Category Details

You can use these when displaying categories or for showing the first available category in an event format.

#_CATEGORYNAME Shows the category name.
#_CATEGORYID Shows the category ID.
#_CATEGORYSLUG Shows the category slug.
#_CATEGORYLINK Category name with a link to the category page.
#_CATEGORYURL URL of the category page.
#_CATEGORYCOLOR Shows the category color (useful for inline styling), in hex format, if no color is defined the default category color from your settings page will be used.
#_CATEGORYIMAGE Shows the category image, if available.
#_CATEGORYIMAGE{x,y} Shows the category image thumbnail if available, x and y are width and height respectively, both being numbers e.g. #_CATEGORYIMAGE{100,100}. If 0 is used for either width or height, the corresponding dimension will be proportionally sized.
#_CATEGORYIMAGEURL Shows the category image url, if available.
#_CATEGORYNOTES Shows the category description.

You can show lists of other events belonging to this category. The formatting of the list is the same as a normal events list.

#_CATEGORYPASTEVENTS Will show a list of all past events with this category.
#_CATEGORYNEXTEVENTS Will show a list of all future events with this category.
#_CATEGORYALLEVENTS Will show a list of all events with this category.
#_CATEGORYNEXTEVENT Will show the next event with this category.

iCal/RSS Feeds

#_CATEGORYICALURL Displays the URL of the event ical feed (ics file format) which shows all events with this category.
#_CATEGORYICALLINK Displays an html link to the event ical feed (ics file format) which shows all events with this category.
#_CATEGORYWEBCALURL #_CATEGORYICALURL, but using the webcal:// protocol, which will open up various calendar apps automatically including iCalendar, Outlook and Google Calendar.
#_CATEGORYWEBCALLINK #_CATEGORYICALLINK, but using the webcal:// protocol, which will open up various calendar apps automatically including iCalendar, Outlook and Google Calendar.
#_CATEGORYRSSURL Displays the URL of an RSS feed showing all upcoming events happening in this category.
#_CATEGORYRSSLINK Displays an html link to an RSS feed showing all upcoming events happening in this category.

Tag Placeholders

When displaying tag lists, or formatting a single tag page, you can choose from the following:

Tag Details

You can use these when displaying tags or for showing the first available tag in an event format.

#_TAGNAME Shows the tag name.
#_TAGID Shows the tag ID.
#_TAGSLUG Shows the tag slug.
#_TAGLINK Tag name with a link to the tag page.
#_TAGURL URL of the tag page.
#_TAGNOTES Shows the tag description.
#_TAGCOLOR Shows the tag color (useful for inline styling), in hex format, if no color is defined the default tag color from your settings page will be used.
#_TAGIMAGE Shows the tag image, if available.
#_TAGIMAGE{x,y} Shows the tag image thumbnail if available, x and y are width and height respectively, both being numbers e.g. #_TAGIMAGE{100,100}. If 0 is used for either width or height, the corresponding dimension will be proportionally sized.
#_TAGIMAGEURL Shows the tag image url, if available.

You can show lists of other events belonging to this tag. The formatting of the list is the same as a normal events list.

#_TAGPASTEVENTS Will show a list of all past events with this tag.
#_TAGNEXTEVENTS Will show a list of all future events with this tag.
#_TAGALLEVENTS Will show a list of all events with this tag.
#_TAGNEXTEVENT Will show the next event with this tag.

iCal/RSS Feeds

#_TAGICALURL Displays the URL of the event ical feed (ics file format) which shows all events with this tag.
#_TAGICALLINK Displays an html link to the event ical feed (ics file format) which shows all events with this tag.
#_TAGWEBCALURL #_TAGICALURL, but using the webcal:// protocol, which will open up various calendar apps automatically including iCalendar, Outlook and Google Calendar.
#_TAGWEBCALLINK #_TAGICALLINK, but using the webcal:// protocol, which will open up various calendar apps automatically including iCalendar, Outlook and Google Calendar.
#_TAGRSSURL Displays the URL of an RSS feed showing all upcoming events happening in this tag.
#_TAGRSSLINK Displays an html link to an RSS feed showing all upcoming events happening in this tag.

Conditional Placeholders

For those of you asking “I’d only like to show something IF”, then you should read up on our conditional placeholders too, which works much in the same way as normal placeholders.


Single Event Format

If you look at the default events page format, which is found in Events > Settings > Formats/Layouts > Events Format in your admin area:


This snippet is redacted to keep this short for demonstration purposes.

<section className="em-item-header"  style="--default-border:#_CATEGORYCOLOR;">
<div className="em-item-image {no_image}has-placeholder{/no_image}">
<div className="em-item-meta">
<section className="em-item-meta-column">
<section className="em-event-when">
<div className="em-item-meta-line em-event-date em-event-meta-datetime">
<span className="em-icon-calendar em-icon"></span>
<div className="em-item-meta-line em-event-time em-event-meta-datetime">
<span className="em-icon-clock em-icon"></span>
<section className="em-event-location">

this is how it appears on a single event page:

Single Event Placeholder Example

Simple Custom Events List

Here is an example where you combine shortcodes and placeholders to display customized information about events happening tomorrow. Note that this is pasted into your page content in HTML view of the editor.

<ul>[events_list scope=”month”]<li>#_EVENTLINK – Dates : #_EVENTDATES, Times : #_EVENTTIMES</li>[/events_list]</ul>

This is what it would look like:

Placeholder example of events list shortcode with custom placeholders