Zoom Events are Here!

We’re happy to announce a new integration with Events Manager : Zoom Events! We’ve been working hard over the past few months to create a new way to host non-physical events, with the intention of creating webinar integrations in general. The first to come to light is our Zoom integration, which will make use of […]

Google Mail SMTP changes in 2021

Events Manager provides the ability to send emails specifically generated by our plugin via its own SMTP. This is convenient in cases where maybe you’d like to use an entirely different mail server or inbox to handle event-related emails. Google Mail (GMail) for the longest time has been a very popular choice as they provide […]

Events Manager and WPML Compatibility 2.0

Our Events Manager and WPML Compatibility plugin has received a revamp, along with our recent update of Events Manager 5.9.7 and Pro 2.6.7 which were all part of a large multilingual-focused update! Previously in version 1, there were various nuances that had to be addressed to make both plugins 100% compatible with each other. This […]

5.9.7 and Pro 2.6.7 – A multilingual affair…

This round of updates mainly focuses on multilingual capabilities. As a multinational team, where all members speak at least 2 languages, the concept of multilingual compatibility has always been something we’ve appreciated and aspired to achieve. Today, we’re happy to announce that the latest update natively integrates Multilingual compatibility, and particularly paves the way for […]

Events Manager 5.9.6

We’re happy to announce the much-awaited Events Manager 5.9.6! This is largely a maintenance release which addresses most bugs/issues reported to us over the past months. Additionally, this also includes a security fix for a recently discovered potential vulnerability along with various security-related tweaks. We strongly recommend everyone to update for these reasons. We are […]

Events Manager Pro 2.6.6 Release

This is a maintenance release that follows up 2.6.5 and fixes some pending bugs: minor css tweaks to booking view of Multiple Booking cart details fixed checkbox and multi-booking issues for no-user booking details editor on single booking fixed ARRAY literal appearing in booking email for checkboxes in certain scenarios fixed ‘Class ‘EM_Admin_Notices’ not found’ […]

Events Manager Pro 2.6.5 – Introducing Stripe Checkout!

Events Manager Pro 2.6.5 paves the way for our new add-on, Stripe Payments! Stripe is the most hotly demanded gateway by our users, so we’re happy to be introducing this first implementation, which aside from being a super fast and easy setup procedure, is also SCA-Ready and compliant with the upcoming PSD2 regulations coming into […]

Events Manager Pro – Authorize.net Centered Update

We’ve pushed out an update today which aside from some minor bug fixes, mainly addresses an upcoming deadline for Authorize.net users, as announced here on their site. In a nutshell, Authorize.net will change how we verify Silent Post notifications to make sure the sender truly is Authorize.net, these changes take effect on the 27th June […]