New Year, New Updates!

Happy 2021 Everyone! To kick off the New Year, we’ve just released a bunch of updates to our EM-related add-ons, as well as releasing a new Zoom importer supporting plugin for our I/O add-on!

The updated plugins are as follows:

Additionally, we’ve released another supported format for Events Manager I/O, Zoom Imports! With this new add-on, you’ll be able to import your Zoom meetings and webinars directly into Events Manager, with full syncing pre-enabled via our free Zoom integration plugin. This is already available from our Pro downloads page, documentation is on the way!

We’ll now proceed to list the changelogs for each new update. There’s quite a bit to unpack here and we’re already working on more updates/features!

Events Manager 5.9.9

  • updated EM_DateTime and EM_DateTimeZone to remove PHP <5.3 backports and also make use of UTC offset support since PHP 5.5.10 (since WP now is requiring 5.6 as a minimum)
  • fixed location dropdown not showing option for no location or a placeholder if physical locations are the only location types enabled
  • fixed front-end event editor showing events list rather than submission form when there’s a validation error
  • fixed bug where re-saving multilingual recurring events sets parent ids out of sync and causing booking linking issues with translated events
  • fixed potential minor CSRF vulnerability in oAuth base class where state could be ommitted when verifying/authorizing account, props to @Lenon
  • fixed event times output on bookings table not showing time according to formatting settings
  • added 5th argument with array of segmented placeholder meta to _output_placeholder filters of events, locations, bookings and taxonomies
  • tweaked placeholder regex to allow underscores in placeholder names e.g. #_PREVIOUSLY_INVALID_PLACEHOLDER
  • added _SITE time-related placeholder variations which display event time relative to website timezone,
  • added _LOCAL time-related placeholder variations which display event time relative to user’s browser timezone (based on JS),
  • fixed EM_Event::output_times() not using custom $all_day_message
  • fixed booking table custom fields with accented names not being displayed or exported properly
  • updated jQuery UI CSS theme
  • updated PHPMailer loading location due to breaks in 5.5
  • updated placeholder docs
  • fixed save and status change filters firing before emails are sent which can cause irregular behaviour in add-ons (e.g. Zoom join links)
  • optimized EM_Bookings::has_booking() function to prevent unecessary loading of bookings to event
  • fixed fatal errors on ical generation if mb_string extension disabled in PHP
  • added em_bp_menu_sub_nav and em_bp_menu_main_nav filters to allow easy BuddyPress/BuddyBoss menu overriding
  • added data deletion and warning of deletion when switching location types,
  • moved JS out of location selection template into main JS file
  • changed Event_Location data handling so that event location data is kept within the object EM_Event->event_location rather than in EM_Event->event_location_data
  • fixed Event_Locations::is_enabled() creating fatal errors if add-on event location plugins get deactivated whilst event location is still ‘enabled’ in settings
  • fixed deletion of previous event location data occurring on get_post() rather than save() and added a temporary event_location_deleted property to EM_Event to contain deletable event location
  • changed recurring table field to require a non-null value and default to 0 to prevent erratic behaviour if recurrences get saved with NULL in random edge cases
  • removed some old migration update code for v4 > v5 update (more to be removed at a later date)
  • added em_event_save_events_exclude_update_meta_keys allowing add-ons to prevent overwriting meta keys when updating recurrences
  • added docs for event location types and a filter for adding custom placeholder docs to the help page
  • fixed dates and possibly other placeholders not showing in site locale if admin triggers emails with a different user locale
  • fixed scope search issues on search form when default scope is not ‘future’ and search dates left blank
  • fixed template location typo preventing em_get_events_list_grouped() from working
  • fixed admin columns not showing as per screen reader preferences when all cols are chosen to be displayed
  • fixed bp showing booking tab/info when bookings are disabled (props @raruto)
  • fixed display issues on static home page (other than EM events page) containing shortcode showing paginated events/locations/taxonomies
  • fixed broken link for datepicker formatting docs on settings page
  • fixed PHP errors on BuddyPress "my group events" template
  • added #_BOOKINGADMINURL and #_BOOKINGADMINLINK placeholders to booking email templates
  • added alt attribute to event thumbnails in MS Globals mode
  • fixed Polish zloty missing symbols
  • fixed ‘no location’ option not showing if dropdown option for physical locations enabled
  • fixed booking cutoff times defaulting to 12am rather than event start time
  • fixed booking cutoff times not getting set upon initial recurring event creation
  • fixed trashed events showing up on front-end event editor as pending
  • fixed JS issues causing ticket editor not reflecting changes during edit process before saving
  • fixed Yoast SEO deprecated log warning for usage of WPSEO_Utils::get_title_separator() in > v15.2
  • changed default time to WP format upon installation
  • added my/all events links to front-end events admin for those with admin capabilities
  • updated dev update checker to allow EM add-ons
  • fixed duplication issues for custom event locations due to lack of cloning the event location within the cloned event
  • added organizer property to ical feed and em_locate_template_args_… filter to enable it with (see
  • added better booking button error feedback and a em_booking_button_response JS event
  • changed EM Pro update warning to be dismissible site-wide and persist only on admin/network settings page
  • removed use of date_i18n() in place of EM_DateTime->format() i.e. wp_date()

Events Manager Pro 2.6.8

  • added improvements to license checking in order to prevent WPML and Duplicator Pro conflicts
  • fixed typo of second em_multiple_booking_email_before_send filter firing instead of em_multiple_booking_email_after_send
  • fixed EM_Attendees_Form not caching event form based on event_id
  • added emp_attendees_form_get_form, emp_attendee_forms_get_booking_attendees and emp_attendee_forms_get_ticket_attendees filters
  • fixed individual event admin emails not getting sent to event owner in MB mode
  • added permission_callback to rest route for gateway notifications
  • added ability for multiple booking data to be used when #_BOOKINGFORMCUSTOM and #_BOOKINGFORMCUSTOMREG have no info in a single event context
  • added #_BOOKINGUSERMETA{meta_key} which retrieves any user fields defined in the EM form editor even if not used on a specific event booking form
  • added extra helper functions to EM_Multiple_Booking to check child/parent relationships of bookings
  • added separate admin email option for Multiple Bookings which can be different to individual booking admin emails
  • added load balancing constants and reset/delete license options for license checkers
  • improved cancelled payment functionality to delete bookings on redirect-based gateways as well as a custom feedback message
  • changed booking form custom checkbox fields checkbox position to left side of label for better alignment
  • updated qtips script to v3.0.3
  • changed booking form tip bubble colors from ghastly yellow to clean white!
  • fixed cart summary display issues for events without a physical location
  • fixed api warnings showing on paypal settings page
  • fixed transaction ID links pointing to sandbox for and stripe in transaction history tables
  • fixed ical invites not getting sent for custom emails
  • fixed coupons field not available for manual bookings in MB Mode
  • fixed expired coupons showing up when creating/editing events,
  • added ‘scope’ search argument to EM_Coupons::get()
  • fixed custom booking form ‘name’ field changing first/last name values of previously saved user data which breaks 2+ worded first names
  • fixed refunded payments marking booking as pending rather than cancelled
  • added sandbox detection with newly is_sandbox() overriding function
  • fixed some direct booking button nuances when in Multiple Bookings mode

Events Manager Pro – Stripe 1.0.8

  • improved cancelled payment functionality to delete bookings on redirect-based gateways as well as a custom feedback message
  • updated stripe PHP SDK
  • fixed refunded payments marking booking as pending rather than cancelled
  • added sandbox detection with newly is_sandbox() overriding function

Events Manager for Zoom 1.2

  • fixed changing webinars to "no registration" causing save errors if bookings enabled with a custom booking form
  • fixed errors when publishing zoom meetings/webinars with a global dial-in country selected
  • fixed booking approval errors with custom Pro forms containing country field
  • changed start url placeholder for meetings/webinars to display only to users with event edit rights
  • added deletion of linked Zoom Meeting/Webinar when switching to another event location type,
  • changed admin text to specifically name webinar or meeting in context,
  • added detection of deleted Zoom Meeting/Webinar
  • added deletion support for linked Zoom Meeting/Webinar when switching to another event location type (requires Events Manager or higher)
  • changed admin text to specifically name webinar or meeting in context
  • added detection of deleted Zoom Meeting/Webinar
  • added importing of bookings to meeting/webinar if event already has bookings
  • created rate limit error messages and contingencies
  • added recurring event support so that individual recurrences will have their own meeting/webinar
  • changed data storage location to $data property in Event_Location object rather than directly in the EM_Event
  • moved meeting/webinar passcode storage out of settings array into its own meta field to allow recurring event support
  • added deletion of meeting/webinar when event is deleted, event location is changed or if recurring events recreate/reschedule events
  • added export of bookings to meeting/webinar for events already containing bookings being changed into a zoom event location
  • added placeholder docs for the help page

Events Manager I/O 1.1

  • fixed ical importer not parsing all-day events if no times supplied in start/end dates
  • added tolerance to ical files with empty white lines
  • fixed downloadable file issues when switching between url and file types
  • updated external libraries
  • fixed various PHP warning/errors
  • fixed endless loop bug when adding 0 limit to exports
  • fixed headers not being added to CSV exports
  • fixed google server key not being retrieved for usage in address prediction
  • fixed settings page meta box CSS size issues in recent WP versions
  • improved VTIMEZONE support including RRULE compatibility
  • added event location support
  • added merging of $options array with a master $options_default array
  • added option to hide attachments setting field in imports
  • added minimum version checks of EMIO for format add-ons and also invers format API check
  • added taxonomy filtering for exports
  • unified taxonomy meta key value and get_post() functions for imports/exports to ‘taxonomies’ with backwards compat for EMIO_Imports
  • fixed export public link changing upon each export job save
  • fixed PHP error when accessing non-existent public export link