4.1 Released (very minor update)

Just a quick note to say 4.1 was released in the hopes of giving wordpress.org a nudge so that our blogs receive an update notification. For some reason wordpress did not recognize the 4.0.84 > 4.0.9 update and blogs weren’t being made aware of the new update. Fortunately this corrected the problem. For more info […]

4.0.9 Released

Happy 4th of July! We welcome this short week with a new update. With the coming of 3.2, it was well overdue that I had a look at the latest release candidates to make sure everything worked as expected. I’m happy to say (holding my breath) that everything did.

Events Manager 4.0.83 Released

This release mostly involved bugfixes, however, whilst making these fixes it’s hard not to sneak in a few features : any shortcodes or template tags that accept event attributes now accept a search attribute. guest event submissions! See the bottom of the settings page. added option to remove booking login form (see settings page) the […]

4.0.8 and Pro 1.2

Quick Saturday update. 4.0.7 had two nuances worth fixing immediately: Options page had some buggy javascript (sorry, works in some and not in others, slipped through the tests!) Added a notification so that Pro users know there’s a newer version too. Please do not comment on this code for requesting help, they won’t be approved. […]

4.0.7 Released

It’s been a little slow getting this update out due to the nature of some of these bugs, but it’s here and in time for the weekend updaters! This update was really all about bugfixes, especially on the MultiSite/BuddyPress side of things.

4.0.7 Delayed, Dev Version Updated

Just a quick note to say that we’re fixing quite a few bugs that have come out of the cracks over the past week. Good new is we’re fixing them, bad news is it’s taking longer than expected, was hoping to have an update today but that’s not likely anymore. So in the meantime, I’ve […]

Version 4.0.6 and Pro 1.1 Released

It’s been quite a few days pending but 4.0.6 is here, fixing quite a few of the bugs reported on the wordpress forums. It’s been a busy week and we had to release a 4.0.5 in the meantime as we worked our way through the list. Below is a list of the recent changes in […]

For those with IE JS Issues

Its come to my attention that IE is having problems with submitting booking requests. After some extensive and painful debugging, it’s been found that the issue lies with the jQuery Form plugin that comes packaged with WordPress. The problem is pretty simple, the script is out of date. The solution is just as simple, upload […]

Forums Back Up

The forums are back up and running. Phew! That was a serious time-drainer. For the moment, I’ve enabled this to the public for users that were previously registered, whilst we transition to a more concrete support system. New users that aren’t signing up to the Pro version can user the wordpress.org forums as we are […]

No more 404 in 4.0.4

4.0.4 is out and fixes a few bugs, most importantly the 404 error page some of you have been seeing. Fixed the 404 problem Added Peru to countries, fixed broken accented characters in country lists Added ticket description to booking form. Reordered the search form to make more sense If anyone has more missing countries […]