This page is dedicated to frequently asked questions about Events Manager and how it works. If you have problems getting the plugin running, see our troubleshooting section.

I’m having problems getting this working!

If the troubleshooting page doesn’t help, we have a lot of documentation and tutorials, which we are constantly improving on. If you’re new to Events Manager, the best place to begin is the getting started page.

This plugin is almost right for me, but there’s this feature I desperately need. Can you add it?

We have a pretty big to-do list and we are regularly improving the plugin on a daily basis. For this reason, we are not taking any custom work at the moment.

If there is a feature you specifically need, please request it in the forums and if it’s a good idea, we’ll probably implement it (the more demand, the faster it gets implemented).

How do I resize the map?

Insert some code similar to this in your css:

.em-location-map, .em-locations-map { width: 300px !important; height: 200px !important; }

Do not leave out the !important directive; it is, needless to say, important.

Can I further customise the event pages?

There are numerous ways of doing this:

  • If you want to simply change what event info is displayed, you can do this in the settings page by providing a combination of html and placeholders.
  • Add to your theme’s CSS files to further style the page.
  • Use our overriding template file system by adding files to your theme – no hacking necessary!
  • Edit the wordpress event page (via Pages in the admin area) and changing its template.
  • Developers can make use of various actions and filter, just like we do with WordPress – See our tutorials for examples.

How does Events Manager work?

When installed, events Manager creates a special “Events” page along with “Locations”, “Categories” and “My Bookings” . These page display lists of events and so forth. Events and Locations are custom post types, and will have their own page just like regular posts and pages. Categories work like the normal category taxonomy for WordPress posts.

Is Events Manager available in my language?

At this stage, Events Manager is available in German, Spanish, French, Czech, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish. It is possible for you to correct previous translations or create your own. Please see our translations documentation page for more information.