It’s been over a month since we’ve put out an update, but if you’ve following our dev updates, you’ll have noticed all the gradual improvements going into the plugin over this time.
What you won’t have been able to notice until now is all the updated documentation, which is now hopefully much clearer and up to date. This is the first stage of many in terms of improving documentation, since more improvements will be made to the current documentation, more tutorials are on the way, along with a few more nice surprises ;)
Despite the lack of updates to the stable versions recently, so much has gone into this plugin update and we have so many cool features in the pipeline that we’re going to have to make quick summary of changes for you and get back to work!
Template Modifications
There’s been a few inevitable template modifications. Most of these involve minor bugfixes which shouldn’t affect operation of the plugin, however it’s advised you check out the list of changes under the ‘trunk/templates’ directory and compare against the list of files you’ve modified.
One change that you should make sure is implemented is that of a fix to pagination due to updates in WordPress 3.4
- templates/locations-list.php
- templates/events-list.php
- templates/categories-list.php
5.2 Changes
Here’s the list of changes as seen in the readme file:
- reversed order of settings link in plugins page
- updated French, Czech, Dutch and pot language files
- fixed category page display problems on some themes (e.g. Thesis) and for some plugins using the loop on the same page
- added rss pubdate to individual events
- removed cut-off time for now from recurring events, since it copies same date over to every recurrence
- fixed bug in bookings table ajax
- updated to PHPMailer 5.2.1, added attachment capabilities and the em_mailer or em_mailer_sent actions
- fixed magnified google maps logo size
- fixed admin emails not going out on event submission under some configurations
- improvements to permalinks for home page loading
- added first/last name collumn to bookings admin table
- added conditional placeholders for location image has_loc_image and no_loc_image
- fixed cancelled/rejected mixup in bookings admin table
- single booking button will show ‘Sold Out’ if full
- booking cancel link will not show to rejected, cancelled, pending online payment statuses
- fixed yearly recurrences bug
- added em_get_currency_formatted filter
- added event_category shortcode
- fixed search bug not showing long events outside start/end parameters
- fixed event form not showing submitted data on validation fail during second event submit
- added event re-submission and re-approval custom emails
- added has_category_x, no_category_x, has_tag_x, and no_tag
- my-bookings auto permalink won’t happen if bookings disabled
- added israeli translation
- added choice of initial length for calendar day names
- template modification: passed on $EM_Event to em_booking_form_custom action, may prevent some bugs in certain situations
- fixed ical modified timestamp issue
- fixed scheduled events not being published
- fixed incorrect event links to cross blog events in MultiSite global mode
- added $post_ids to em_event_save_events filter
- updated booking button, made button text customizable and moved the js out of the template file
- updated forms/event/groups.php template to allow for site admins to see all bp groups
- updated ui-lightness.css jQuery UI CSS Framework file to v1.8.22
- fixed templates/templates/events-search.php to prevent showing unapproved locations in dropdowns
- fixed admin CSS and JS locations using WP_PLUGIN_URL instead of plugins_url()
- fixed global events and locations not showing up in MS subsites
- fixed dev-mod updating in MS network admin
- added a test email settings button/feature
- fixed grouping by date fomrat option in settings page not being used
- tidied up location autocompleter formatting
- fixed potential timepicker bug when themes add extra br tags between timepickers
- fixed maps not loading when updating events
- fixed ical description formatting issue escaping &
- fixed default location not showing on second event form update
- fixed booking table links going to admin area on public pages after ajax calls
- fixed ical time and time placeholder output issues
- fixed event form breaking when BP groups are deactivated
- fixed printable booking report showing non-approved bookings
- fixed widgets not allowing blank titles and disappearing widget headers
- removed weekly recurring events days checked by default
- removed some optional properties to the ical files, including X-WR-CALNAME
- fixed weekly recurrence bug skipping first event on some instances
- fixed rejected bookings counting as double bookings
- removed unapprove link showing up for rejected/cancelled events
- added bookings link to actions on the wp users admin page
Pro 2.2 Changes
Frankly, we should be spending a little more time singing some praises about these new features, but there just so many more we want to add! However, here’s a few of the major improvements we’ve made:
- Common User Fields for Gateways – A great way to link our custom user fields with commonly used user details that you can pass on to gateways for address verification and invoicing. is now updated to use this new feature.
- New custom fields! Including date pickers, time pickers, custom HTML, user password.
- Email Reminders – You can now choose to send your users who made bookings an email x days before the event starts
- db table installation will take current blog prefix rather than determine if it’s in global tables mode
- fixed transactions not deleting if event is already deleted
- fixed coupon dates not working
- added em_coupon_get_discount_text filter
- added paypal default language option
- added extra values to the epm_forms_output_field_input filter
- fixed multisite error when fetching transaction info
- fixed some form action calls (from add_action to do_action)
- added country to form field
- fixed extra blank field in form editor
- added user address field association, allowing for tighter integration with gateways
- added email reminders
- added option to show logged in users their registration fields in booking forms
- fixed PayPal gateway not taking pending payments into account and treating as in-progress (deleted automatically)
- fixed custom booking form not showing on forms outside of main event page
- fixed manual bookings not showing new user fields
- fixed default form install bug if pro installed first
- fixed some action typos on EMP_Forms editor html
- added em_coupon_is_valid filter
- fixed em_coupon_get_person filter typo
- added user password custom field
- added date and time picker custom fields
- added ‘required’ asterisks next to labels
- fixed required text fields not accepting a 0
- fixed paypal settings not saving if paypal email not supplied
- added custom tooltips to field labels
6 thoughts on “5.2 and Pro 2.2 Released”
How to download pro 2.2?
Hey there,
The huge thing for me is “New custom fields! Including date pickers, time pickers, custom HTML, user password.”
Where can we download 2.2?
Can’t wait!
By the way, I do know to look in but it’s only showing
the link should be ok now, thanks for pointing that out.
We’ve upgraded to 5.2.1 and I love this plugin. But my client is doing an event in Bali and it’s not on the list. Google Maps has no problem finding the location, but it won’t take the location because Country is required. How do you add countries to the existing list? I’d rather not run into this problem again and again.
Oh nevermind – I’m an idiot!
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