5.1.5 and Pro 2.1.2 Released

New Features

  • Use #_EVENTCATEGORIESIMAGES, which will show the images of the categories an event belongs to
  • Added yearly recurrences to the recurrence manager
  • Added a cut-off date for bookings, so bookings can take place past event start dates
  • Added #_CONTACTMETA placeholder, this works with Free or Pro, where you can use e.g. #_CONTACTMETA{dbem_phone} or any other valid user meta key. This comes in particularly useful when coupled with the new user fields editor in our last update for Pro users.
  • Admin booking notification email can now be sent to multiple emails (comma delimited in settings)
  • (pro) Manual bookings now allow for new users to be added together with a new booking, add coupon payment information, as well as custom payment amounts.

Events Manager 5.1.5 Changes

  • rewritten booking email function, simpler, less error-prone, overrideable and yet same effect
  • fixed tax not showing on booking table totals
  • fixed booking objects get_price filters, removed em_booking_get_prices from em-ticket-booking.php in place of em_ticket_booking_get_price
  • changed filter name em_tickets_bookings_get_prices to em_tickets_bookings_get_price (bad name according to convention)
  • added booking status message filter
  • fixed ical not working in non-permalinks mode ( must have /?ical=1 at end of home url )
  • removed original CSV export link in place of booking table exporter, unless users made a custom template
  • BuddyPress private group or normal private event info are now not shown in site activity.
  • fixed some php warnings
  • fixed certain languages breaking date formats
  • fixed some issues with dev mode checks
  • fixed booking button and multiple bookings at once bug
  • fixed ticket spaces export bug
  • fixed rss pubdate format
  • improved CSS for booking tables front-end
  • edit event locations dropdown shown to users if they can read events (previously only if could edit)
  • updated the POT file and Swedish translations
  • cleaned up the RSS filters so HTML now is allowed in feed
  • fixed bp group hidden events not going private
  • fixed countries list not working for certain languages

Events Manager Pro 2.1.2 Changes

  • allowed form labels to accept HTML
  • fixed paypal resume payment button
  • fixed paypal payment status text
  • modified coupon calculation to add tax after discount, if tax is added separately
  • made paypal bookings editable even if pending
  • fixed various form editor bugs
  • fixed email problems with paypal confirmations
  • added more html css classes to booking form
  • made update notices more user-friendly if pro-api-key isn’t valid

9 thoughts on “5.1.5 and Pro 2.1.2 Released


Looks like a great plugin.
What about compatibility with WPML?
Is this something that are planned for in the future?
And if so, do you have any idea of when it can be done?



It already works with WPML, but not 100% yet. We’re already working with WPML directly to make this fully compatible. We also have some snippets that go some lengths to make our widgets etc. show language-specific events when viewing translated pages.


I’ve just done some testing locally and trying to find an event manager (at this time just need to post event and have them in a list with upcoming events as well as show that list in a sidebar widget) that work with WPML.
I manage to get events translated, but the problem seems to not get double events (from both languages) to show in lists/widgets.
But if there is work going on then your plugin might be the way to go anyway, in all other aspects I’ve tested it looks very good.
Thanks for your reply.


That seemed to work well with the widget (just need to workout how to translate the link to all events at the bottom, maybe just set up another widget with dynamic widgets depending on language).

The only last problem for me would be the “main page with the event list”, it seems WPML allows to make a version of second language, but that page won’t have any content. Is this a known problem or is it me that haven’t figured out the correct settings?
Anyway, it looks promising and I will probably start using this plugin.

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