Due to recent changes in WordPress 3.1 which were until now unknown to me, some people will have problems if automatically updating. It’s possible that people had issues when updating via the bulk update feature since 2.9, which never fired the database update scripts in EM after updates either. For those coders (or plugin devs that didn’t see this), see the WP codex changelog.
The next update of Events Manager will fix this, and check for updating automatically. For those that upgraded before and can’t get it working, here’s a walk-through which should hopefully get everything back to normal.
Aside from what’s being shown in the video, also make sure to check that you have the right page chosen in Events > Settings > Event Page > Event Page, and that EM hasn’t created a new duplicate Events page (if you already have an events page, check for duplicate page names).
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euJecOjt2yY[/youtube]
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