Upgrade Issues Screencast Walkthrough

Due to recent changes in WordPress 3.1 which were until now unknown to me, some people will have problems if automatically updating. It’s possible that people had issues when updating via the bulk update feature since 2.9, which never fired the database update scripts in EM after updates either. For those coders (or plugin devs that didn’t see this), see the WP codex changelog.

The next update of Events Manager will fix this, and check for updating automatically. For those that upgraded before and can’t get it working, here’s a walk-through which should hopefully get everything back to normal.

Aside from what’s being shown in the video, also make sure to check that you have the right page chosen in Events > Settings > Event Page > Event Page, and that EM hasn’t created a new duplicate Events page (if you already have an events page, check for duplicate page names).

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euJecOjt2yY[/youtube]

24 thoughts on “Upgrade Issues Screencast Walkthrough


I upgraded my version of this plug-in using the automatic update link. Guess it was too good to be true, because the upgrade wiped out all of the customization I had done for a client’s website and a half dozen of their events. So how do I fix this mess?


Installing Plugin from uploaded file: events-manager.3.0.96.zip

Unpacking the package…

Installing the plugin…

Destination folder already exists. /home/content/00/7081300/html/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/

Plugin install failed.


Upgrade didn’t work for me. Got various error messages. Even tried installing 4.0.3 directly from file after installing and deactivating 3.0.96. Still seeing an error message: Events Manager upgrade not complete, please upgrade to the version 3.0.96 or higher first from here first before upgrading to this version. We made a screencast to help you out.”

I hope that all of my old events and configurations have been saved? What should I do next?

Ed Berry

It looks like a great piece of software but I cannot get it to work. All I want to do is to begin with the latest version but it will not allow me to do this. I tried going back to the older version. No matter what I do, it gives me an error anytime I attempt to save a location.

Is there any way to delete the whole database so I can start all over from scratch?


Is it possible to get any help with the upgrade issues or do I have to delete everything associated with the plug-in and start from scratch? This is a kick-ass plug-in, so it sucks that people are having upgrade problems.


if you follow the instructions, it should work. I’ve done this many times now without an issue. Chances are you didn’t activate/deactivate during one of the updates.


I did deactivate after finding these instructions. Currently, 3.0.96 is installed. What do I do next? Can I do the automatic update or should I install the files via FTP?


Thanks for posting this and making it so easy to follow!

I love this plugin and had a slight panic when my auto upgrade failed. My events looked like they had disappeared initially but I followed this step by step and it’s all back to normal now (phew!).


What about multi-site. i network deactivated, then deleted it. followed the screencast to upgrade…network deactivated it and activited it and now my events are still missing but settings are still intact.


depends on your previous setup, if you open up a forum topic either in the members section or wp forums we can try figuring it out there


I managed to upgrade to 4.0.6 but when I go to the options page to check the version it tells me the dbem_version number is 4.03. I deactivated and reactivated but it still gives me that number. It’s probably not a big deal but given that it’s part of your instructions for upgrading, you might want to double check

Candrina Bailey

I went through the instructions and did the update as you suggest in the video. The update works and the events show up just fine. However, in the bookings, I only have the number of people coming for each booking but no name/phone/etc information any more. Any ideas?


Has the style sheet been updated as well? I have lost all my changed styles and would like to just replace it but don’t want to loose something important that has been updated.

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