If you allow users to submit their events and locations, you probably don’t want to allow them to directly publish their event. With User Capabilities you can prevent specific user types from publishing these to your site.
Events and Locations have three specific statuses (when not deleted and in the trash).
- Published – Events and location with the published status can be seen on your website.
- Pending – Pending events and locations are not visible on your website, and are ready for you to approve and publish. The number of events and locations pending approval will also be displayed within your admin menu (see screenshot below).
- Draft – Some required information is missing from your event or location and therefore cannot be published.
If you disable the publish_events and/or publish_locations capability from a specific user role, users will not be able to directly publish their events to your site without your pre-approval. Also, should they update it their event or location goes back into pending mode.
Publishing Events and Locations
To publish, either click on ‘Quick Edit’ on an event or location:
Or change the status of the event or location when editing it directly:
When you publish an event, if this event also has a corresponding unpublished location, it will automatically attempt to publish that location as well.
User Notification
When an event is published, the event owner will be notified by email that their event has been published. You can modify the email template by visiting Events > Settings > Emails > Event Email Templates in your admin area.