Check the wordpress plugin page for the latest changes (this page is not updated on every single update).
- Added revised German translation
- Fixed ordering issue
- Fixed old template tag attributes not being read
- Changed map ballon wrapper id to class
- Fixed 12pm bug
- Re-added #_LOCATIONPAGEURL (although officially it’s depreciated)
- Added default order by settings in options page
- Added default event list limits in options page
- Added orderby attribute for shortcode
- scope attribute now also allows searching between dates, e.g. “2010-01-01,2010-01-31”
- Fixed booking email reporting bug
- Title rewriting workaround for themes where main menus are broken on events pages
- Added option to show lists on calendar days regardless of whether there is only one event on that day.
- added spanish translation
- fixed rsvp deletion issue
- fixed potential phpmailer conflicts
- CSS issue with maps fixed
- optimized placeholders, adding new standard placeholders
- RSS Showing up again
- Fixed some reported fatal errors
- Added locations widget
- Adding location widget
- optimizing EM_Locations and removing redundant code across objects
- fixed locations_map shortcode attributes
- harmonized search attributes for locations and events
- rewrote recurrence code from scratch
- got rid of most php notices
- Recruccence bugfix
- Fixed spelling typos
- Fixed warnings for bad location image uploads (e.g. too big etc.)
- Fixed error for #_EXCERPT not showing
- Refactored all the underlying achitecture, to make it object oriented. Now classes and templates are separate.
- Merged the events and recurrences tables
- Tables migration from dbem to em (to provide a fallback in case the previous merge goes wrong)
- Bugfix: 127 limit increased (got rid of tinyint types)
- Bugfix: fixed all major php bugs preventing the use with WordPress 3.0
- Bugfix: fixed all major js bugs preventing the use with WordPress 3.0
- Restyling of the Settings page
- Added a setting to revert to 2.2
- optimizing EM_Locations and removing redundant code across objects
## Previous Versions
Fixed a small bug which prevented the loading of default options in the plugin.
Added a `#_URL` placeholder.
Fixed a small ampersand bug which prevented validation.
Permalinks now properly working.
Text now uses wordpress filters.
Map #_NOTES bug fixed; maps better centred.
Fixed a bug that caused trouble in the new post page javascript
No changes, only made this plugin officially out of beta after weeks without any bug popping out.
Added the `dbem_is_events_page` `dbem_is_single_event_page`, `dbem_is_multiple_events_page()`, `dbem_are_events_available` conditional template tags.
Added a “no events message option”.
Added two important FAQ items, to document how to prevent the “green screen on death” and how to resize the map.
Fixed a bug that filtered `the_content` even in unrelated lists.
Fixed CSS bug: enclosed list in Events page in “ul” elements, as it should be.
Fixed a bug loaded the Google Maps Api when deleting events.
Fixed a bug that prevented validation in the default widget list item format.
Added a javascript datepicker
Added locations support.
Added RSVP and people management.
Added repeated events.
Added multiple map.
Fixed a bug in calendars which displayed only the first events when more are present.
Fixed some bugs
Fixed some bugs affecting EM 1.0 users
Added 2 settings: EM page as calendar and change EM page
Added Swedish and German localisations
Fixed a bug in the RSS generator
Added alternate start and end time selector for those installs not supporting the default system
Removed “Mappa totale” from the gloabl map code
Fixed a problem in the back button in the events table
Removed some debug “echo” from the RSVP form
Hopefully fixed a database scheme bug that some users signalled
Added JS validation and fallback server-side validation
Added a dbem\_is\_rsvpable() conditional template tag
Fixed a css bug with some themes, preventing the correct visualisation of the map.
Fixed MySql bugs in the main view and in the activation page
Added the proper expanded PHP tags
Fixed links in the RSS feed
Marcus Sykes jumps in as a contributor
Made the edit page WP 2.8 compatible (CSS tags)
Added a “Duplicate Event”, since your reoccurring event doesn’t give perfect date flexibility
Added a Category option, so you can categorize each event
Manage categories with own subpanel
DDM available in event page (like with people)
Added shortcode option in event_list, so category=ID is an option now
Added #_CATEGORY as a placeholder
Added the TinyMCE of wordpress to the description of the event. That solves the problem of adding pictures!
Added an end date option always on for multi-day events.
Added a new placeholder format to deal with the end date. You can now wrap dates in #_{} or #@_{} . The values inside will have a format of date(). For example #_{Y-m-d} #@_{ \u\n\t\i\l Y-m-d} will show as “2009-03-23 until 2009-03-28” (only for end dates with no recurrence) or just “2009-03-23” for normal events.
Properly added Marcus Sykes as a contributor
Added a full calendar
Added an #_EDITEVENT placeholder
Added Brazialian Portuguese localization and some translatable strings
Added a today scope for events lists
Increased to 3 te default lists limit
Categories are now displayed in the events table
Now weeks starts according to WP settings
Moved the hide page option up for better access
Attributes column was not created when the plugin was upgraded, fixed
Added comment field to the RSVP form and #_COMMENT placeholder in RSVP email templates
Added customizable title to small calendar
Removed php short tags
Changed RVSP ‘no seats available message’ for better English
Bugfix: there was a time bug
Bugfix: event_time not taken into consideration in ordering events, fixed
Bugfix: on calendar for days after 28 on the event calendar view
Bugfix: for events in days with single digit
Bugfix: events link in the calendar now work with permalink
Bugfix: today in next mont was not matched in the calendar
Bugfix: _RESPPHONE was not matched in emails
Bugfix: fixed security vulnerability, which could lead to sql inject attacks
Bugfix: locations with apostrophe were duplicated
Bugfix: bloginfo(‘wpurl’) instead of bloginfo(‘url’)
Bugfix: now loading textdomain in the new (not deprecated) way
Adding a option to get events through a select
Closed many bugs causing a notices/warning visible only in debug mode
Closed a critical security hole discovered by Danilo Massa (to be released on May 10th)
newtweblogic fixed a bug in the install routine
small fix that stopped custom fields from showing up in events lists.