FALSE POSITIVE – Avast Anti-Virus Security Threats

[June 3rd 19:40 UTC] Earlier today (June 3rd), we were alerted to the fact that Avast AVG, a popular Anti-Virus software (specifically the Windows version) was incorrectly alerting its users of a potential Trojan virus in our included JavaScript file, events-manager.min.js. This is a minified version of the events-manager.js file that controls all front-end UI […]

Introducing new pricing

Update – We’ve extended this promotional period whilst we transition various technical aspects related to these upcoming changes As we continually add new features and make improvements to Events Manager (both free and Pro) we periodically review our prices and plans to make sure they’re affordable, competitive and fair. In 2023, we added quite a […]

Events Manager and Pro 3.2.7

The latest updates address some known bugs that have prevented facets of the Bookings process from proceeding. Alongside this, we’ve introduced some lovely new features in both EM and Pro! Here’s a quick breakdown: Now we’ll go into more detail; RSVP – Back but not the same! Previously, in earlier versions of Events Manager, many […]

Events Manager Pro 3.2.6

This is a minor update mainly aimed at fixing a bug introduced in 3.2.5 for Multiple Booking forms which prevented some payment buttons from showing up, this should be resolved by the update. If you still have issues with multiple booking forms, please verify if you have overridden our multiple booking form template, and ensure […]

Events Manager and Pro Updates

We’ve released updates across multiple plugins and gateways, fixing various known issues. We are still working on some other minor issues and will release subsequently another update over the following days. Stay tuned! Events Manager 6.4.4 Events Manager Pro 3.2.5 Events Manager Pro – Stripe 2.0.3 Events Manager Pro – PayPal 1.1

Critical Update – 6.4.3 and 3.2.4

Yesterday (< 12 hours ago), we updated Events Manager 6.4.2 and Pro 3.2.4 and soon discovered that in some specific instances, your site may run into a fatal error. We’ve released these updates to specifically address that issue, and apologize for the inconvenience caused to those affected. Who is affected If you’re running anything less […]

Events Manager 6.4.2 & Pro 3.2.2

Our most recent updates largely focused on fixing some issues that cropped up during our recent updates with many new features. We are going to circle back again in the next update (which should come shortly) to tackle some more issues we were unable to get to during this update cycle. Alongside these bugfixes, we’re […]

Events Manager Pro 3.2 – Gateway Overhaul!

We are EXTREMELY excited to announce a long-time coming feature/update… Gateways! Whilst developing Events Manager 6.4 we have been hard at work in tandem developing Pro 3.2 which was mainly focused on completely revamping the Gateway API so that it can accommodate the most modern payment solutions and standards of payment flows. In keeping with […]

Events Manager 6.4

We’re excited to announce a new update, and stepping stone towards a major revamp in the way our booking forms work. Additionally, we’ve made many improvements to our search forms and JavaScript structures. The major feature for this update will noticeably be the new Booking Summary, which is calculated dynamically when tickets are selected, and […]

Pro Plan Changes Confirmed Date

Update: Due to technical issues we have postponed the launch until Wednesday June 7th 12pm UTC. A few weeks ago we announced upcoming changes to our price plans. The most significant immediate change to affect the Pro plans would be splitting of our WooCommerce add-on from our Pro plan and making it for sale exclusively […]