Our Events Manager and WPML Compatibility plugin has received a revamp, along with our recent update of Events Manager 5.9.7 and Pro 2.6.7 which were all part of a large multilingual-focused update!
Previously in version 1, there were various nuances that had to be addressed to make both plugins 100% compatible with each other. This required a considerable amount of development time due to the architectural differences between both plugins and how they both work with WordPress.

We are happy to announce, that Events Manager and WPML are now fully compatible with each other and we have addressed ALL known issues regarding compatibility! In other words, all our features can now leverage the multilingual environment provided by WPML!
There’s a few major improvements that have been requested for some time now which have been added and are worth noting:
Recurring Events Support!
Our most requested feature is finally here! You can create recurring events just like you would without WPML activated, except now you can translate your recurring event and tickets which will add the translations to your recurrences.
Translatable Location Addresses
Previously, location address information was not translatable, but now you can translate the address, city, state and region fields, whilst postcodes, coordinates and country (which is auto-translated) remain shared accross all translations.
Compatibility with MultiSite Global Tables Mode
WPML does not support displaying posts from other subsites on the main site or across the network of blogs. Events Manager does but previously could not do this correctly with WPML enabled.
Those days are gone, and you can now display any event from any blog in any language with Events Manager’s Multisite Global mode.
Pro custom booking form fields and emails can be translated!
Whilst we have supported translatable forms and placeholder formats for some time now, there were some known inconsistencies with certain email placeholders such as #_BOOKINGSUMMARY which would fail to translate some words such as ‘Total’ or ‘Spaces’.
Additionally, we have improved the consistency of these translations under different scenarios, including our Multiple Bookings mode.
Location shortcodes fully supported.
Previously certain location list shortcodes were discouraged due to complex queries slowing down searches, such as using locations_list or locations_map coupled with the ‘eventless’ or ‘eventful’ filters. These have now been fixed and can be used with similar results as other shortcode combinations.
Translation Editor Integration
Last but not least, you can now translate faster and more efficiently using WPML’s translation editor, only having to worry about the words that need translating.
Certain staple fields in Events Manager will now show up on WPML’s custom translation editor, including ticket names/descriptions and location address fields.
Ready, Set, Translate!
We hope you enjoy the new update and look forward to your feedback.
As far as we’re aware, we are now 100% multilingual when paired with WPML. That said, both Events Manager and WPML are very complex plugins with endless setup possibilities, so if you do come across an inconsistency do let us know in either our free or Pro support forums and we’ll be happy to help!
We’d like to also thank the WPML team, particularly David Garcia Watkins from the development team, who provided valuable WPML-insight throughout the development of this update.