We’re happy to announce Events Manager 5.6 and Events Manager Pro 2.4 have been released today. This includes an important security update (Events Manager only), a large number of bug fixes, along with some very exciting improvements surrounding multi-lingual usage.
It’s been quite a while since we’ve released an update. The main reason behind this was due to a major rewrite of various aspects of the plugin in order to make it multi-lingual capable, particularly with our WPML compatibility plugin which has also undergone a complete rewrite and update. We’ll post more about this in the coming days.
We recommend everyone updates Events Manager to the latest release due to some recently reported security vulnerabilities by the security team at bit9 and immunityinc.com. We’d like to give our thanks to them for reporting this to us directly and working with us to patch these issues up.
Events Manager 5.6 Changeset
- fixed potential XSS and a potential code injection vulnerabilities (props to the team at bit9.com and immunityinc.com)
- updated Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (UK), Spanish, Estonian, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian and Slovenian language files
- added Greek and Slovak languages
- added MultiLingual abstract layer rewritten and various modifications throughout EM to enable multilingual interfacing with plugins likeWPML
- created abstract multilingual layer classes, a complete rewrite and overhaul
- fixed em_events_get_bookings filter not allowing replacement of EM_Booking object
- changed booking form placeholder template to reference EM_Bookings->event_id rather than EM_Event->event_id
- fixed wp_insert_post_data not correctly loading/validating the event associated with the actual post id supplied
- changed ML globe icon to use the globe dashicon
- fixed attributes not being translatable as well as porting new attribute values added to original being added to other language if no translation exists
- added single-tab view for options page if number of ML languages add more than 1000 fields to submit
- fixed some minor PHP warnings for edge cases
- fixed bp deprecated warning in debug mode
- added long_events default option to small and full calendar sizes on settings page
- fixed erroneous month returned when using functions and the 12th month (kudos @althie)
- removed a console.log function from the JS delete ticket function
- removed the forced 50px width/height of the full calendar day cells which breaks the calendar in twenty fifteen
- fixed global $EM_Event not loading before add_admin_boxes in admin area
- improved/simplified code for front-end image uploads handling which now uses media_handle_upload
- fixed #_CONTACTNAME showing anonymous events user rather than the guest submitter name
- fixed MS Global recurrences not saving global category info
- fixed recurring tickets triggering errors if only start date is defined
- fixed private locations searches not including eventless private locations
- changed some deprecated is_main_blog() functions to is_main_site()
- fixed JS DOM conflict by naming submit buttons ‘submit’
- fixed ‘Email Sent’ being shown when no emails sent during booking status change
- fixed em_wp_the_title() unnecessarily filtering all the_title instances on event, location and EM pages rather than just the main title
- fixed long_events=0 not being considered for the WP Fullcalendar plugin
- fixed issue where when saving via WP admin the global $EM_Event object doesn’t refresh all data before passing onto save_event filter
- added em_rewrite_rules_array_events filter for permalink rewrites
- fixed long events argument not taking in WP FullCalendar
- fixed filters em_bookings_table_rows_col and em_bookings_table_rows_col_{col_name} not supplying $object which could be an EM_Ticket_Booking object
- modified EM_Bookings_Table::get_row() to apply em_bookings_table_rows_col for every column
- fixed minor admin page bug where JS can clash with uses of pseudo URLs when certain plugins activated
- fixed EM_Calendar links clashing with WPML and potentially other plugins that manipulate urls
- added some esc_ functions to calendar links and templates an extra safety precaution
- added EM_CSV_DELIMITER constant check to allow overriding CSV delimiters
- added em_booking_output_event filter
- improved booking email sending so contact and extra admin emails sent in one go rather than in separate send functions
- added em_booking_js hook with intention of replacing em_gateway_js hook in the distant future
- fixed booking price rounding issues in EM_Booking::get_price()
- fixed event save_post hook issues when a new location CPT is created within it, which fixes ACF plugin saving issues
- fixed WPLANG php notice on installation/update
- fixed ‘Manage Persons Bookings’ page not filtering properly for non-admins
- fixed some false positive/negative results using EM_Object::can_manage()
- added additional db indexes for performance improvements
- fixed EM_Events::get() returning blank events when supplied an array of event IDs
- fixed advanced search & ticket editor advanced options toggle conflicts with twitter bootstrap-based themes
- updated classes and widgets to use PHP 5 constructor methods in lieu of WP 4.3 update
- fixed BP event duplication errors for non-owner group admins
- changed and cleaned up some table layout issues in templates/buddypress/group-events.php
- fixed current view/scope link not being bold in front-end events editor
- fixed saving recurrences not deleting currently trashed recurrences
- fixed location archives not adhering to sorting defined in settings page
- fixed users without the manage_booking capability being able to create events with bookings in the admin areas
- removed auto-insert of ul tags if no format_header or format_footer supplied in taxonomy list shortcode
- fixed some format, format_header and format_footer attributes not being output for custom value combinations
- fixed misspelt action em_front_event_form_guest (em_font_event_form_guest depricated, will remove in future)
- fixed custom taxonomies not being considered as default search args to make search form integration easier
- changed templates/templates/search/categories.php so default value is 0 rather than -1
- changed incorrect em_event_get_post filter applied for EM_Event::get_post_meta() which is now em_event_get_post_meta
- added em_event_get_post_meta_pre and em_event_get_post_pre actions
- fixed SQL error when searching non-existent taxonomy values or taxonomy names containing a hyphen
- fixed change of event ownership to anonymously submitted event not showing new owner contact information
- fixed soon-to-be deprecated templates/forms/ticket-form.php not including overridden forms/event/bookings-ticket-form.php file
- added em_timepicker_options JS trigger for altering time picker options
- fixed strict PHP error in templates/forms/bookingform/ticket-single.php
- added em_enqueue_admin_styles action and moved em_enqueue_admin_scripts action after em script is added
- added Russian Ruble to currency list
- fixed errors with some booking edit links on the front end
- changed use of deprecated function bp_core_add_notification to bp_notifications_add_notification
- added EM_Event::duplicate_url and changed templates with duplicate urls to use this so ML events will duplicate original translation
- fixed some potential validation errors when hooking into em_location_get_post_meta
- added admin global $EM_Location so it now becomes global during add_meta_boxes action
- added em_category_taxonomy_template and em_tag_taxonomy_template actions
- updated jQuery UI CSS files
Events Manager Pro 2.4 Changeset
- added various Multilingual enhancements/fixes, the following can now be translated:
- email reminder templates
- multiple booking email templates
- custom per-event and per-gateway emails
- various gateway settings and MB feedback messages
- fixed various minor PHP warnings
- added EM_CSV_DELIMITER constant, which can be defined in wp-config.php with a value for a CSV delimiter which defaults to a comma
- fixed MB booking price rounding issues when comparing paid amount to pending total
- change PHP custom gateway setting updates and sanitation with simplified code,
- changed gateway setting hard-coded html fields replacing with em field functions (multilingual ready)
- changed PayPal IPN verification requests to use our on User-Agent identifier
- changed use of em_gateway_js hook to em_booking_js hook
- changed option name em_paypal_booking_feedback_thanks to em_paypal_booking_feedback_completed
- added support for using HTML custom fields in #_BOOKINGFORMCUSTOM placeholder
- updated authorize.net SSL certificates
- rewritten Custom Emails feature including a more solid logic with new hooks enabling integration with EM Multilingual mode
- added Norwegian translations
- updated Czech, German and Italian translations
- changed some decimal sizes in DB tables to match those in EM
- fixed manual bookings overwriting country user field and saving empty data to $EM_Booking->booking_meta[‘registration’]
- fixed widget construct calls for WP 4.3+
- added recaptcha 2.0 library which can be activated by adding true EM_RECAPTCHA_2 constant in wp-config.php
- moved inline CSS out into own CSS files
- renamed some script hook function names to match firing filter/action
- changed all EM_Pro class functions to static
- fixed attendees not being removed when modifying booking and reducing number of tickets
- fixed user field types with array values not showing correctly in personal details section of booking
- fixed validation errors in multiple option fields where a trailing/leading space is entered in possible values
- changed MB em_booking_add hook to priority 5 to allow other hooks to intervene earlier
- fixed checkout redirect when adding a manual booking
- fixed previously saved custom user checkbox field always remaining checked if ‘checked by default’ is enabled