5.4.1 Released, Fixes 5.4 Booking Bugs

We discovered yesterday that version 5.4, which went out earlier this week, had a very specific bug related to our new booking pricing system.

In cases like this, rest assured that once we’re aware of the problem we don’t rest until there’s a fix, so late last night we released version 5.4.1.

For the curious, this problem only occurred for users that had booking taxes set to 0% (i.e. disabled) and also had a booking present that was worth $0 (i.e. free).  One line of code changed and balance was restored!

As we mentioned in the link above, a huge amount of testing time went into the last update due to the important nature of booking price calculations and implications. However, given the endless amount of configuration possibilities, Sod’s law came into effect and a combination we DIDN’T test turned out to be the culprit!

We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and look forward to continuing improving the plugin.