A lot of little things have been improved, fixed and added in this recent update, so much so that we thought we’d include update announcement as a seperate post!
Notable Additions
Assign theme templates to Event & Location pages
Previously, you needed to create specific files (you’ll see us mentioning single-event.php and single-location.php in the forums) within your themes to change the layout of your event and location pages, such as removing/adding sidebars, using different sidebars, etc. Now you have the option to use templates supplied by your theme, just like you would when creating pages.
Note that in many cases you may also need to add additional classes to parts of your event/location pages, in order for your theme to correctly use the right CSS and display your template
correctly. We’ve written a small tutorial explaining how this is done in the TwentyTwelve theme.
Goodbye default Events and Locations!
Previously, Events Manager automatically added three sample events and corresponding locations. This was quite a cool way to get people set up with sample events and get a gist of how things work. However, we’ve decided to remove this for a few reasons:
- This is annoying if you are using MultiSite, each new site creates the same three events and locations each time (not to mention it creates some confusion)
- Many people quite rightly don’t want new random content published to their blog when installing Events Manager
- We’re littering the internet, if you try searching for some of these locations or events, you’ll find results from blogs that installed our plugin, yet didn’t delete these events.
So, we bid farewell to the good old ‘Orality in James Joyce Conference’, ‘Traditional music session’ and ‘6 Nations, Italy VS Ireland’ events… good times! We start with a clean slate from now on.
Whilst we already had the #_CATEGORYNEXTEVENT placeholder, there was no corresponding option to specifically format this placeholder. Well, now there is!
This is also related to our following addition, Tag archive pages.
Tags has an archive page now too
By default, Events Manager will now also install a new page as a child of the ‘Events’ page called ‘Tags’. This works exactly like the categories page, where you can list all your tags using custom formats to modify the look and feel. You’ll find these new options in the respective Tag sections within the Pages and Formatting tabs of your Events Manager settings page.
If you’re upgrading and you do use the single tag pages along with our ‘override with formats’, it’s strongly advised you create and assign a tags page, because this helps improve compatability with other themes and plugins (including Yoast WordPress SEO – Breadcrumbs module).
Here’s a full list of fixes and changes, also found in the readme.txt file:
- fixed extra paragraphs being added to #_EVENTNOTES
- fixed location ‘no events’ message format not using header/footer formats
- updated Finnish, German and POT files
- added customizable event and location page templates
- improved em_options_select() now can create optgroup groups if an array value is supplied
- fixed clashes with JetPack Tiled Galleries
- fixed timthumb thumbnails issues with MultiSite and virtual links
- fixed multisite global problems when fetching and saving main blog events previously saved with NULL blog_id
- fixed bug with categories search attribute not working if any spaces exist such as “1, 2”
- improved offset calculations in ical for some servers
- improved ical generation to avoid memory limit problems with very large numbers of events
- fixed RSS feed pubdate format
- improved generation of RSS feed to avoid memory_limit errors on very large feeds
- changed em_rss_pubdate wp_option to em_last_modified which is now a timestamp
- improved em_get_wp_users() function to fix overload caused by http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/23609
- changed default events aren’t created anymore
- changed public events admin table template to allow viewing of draft events (duplicates) and modified view linking formats
- changed duplicates so they now become drafts by default not published
- improved settings page tab/section loading UX
- added event archives scope
- improved MultiSite Global so unnecessary tables aren’t created for every blog
- fixed outdated group tip on event form (you can detach group events)
- added #_CONTACTURL
- fixed tags not being added to recurrences if no categories assigned too
- fixed datepicker problem on search pages when scope not defined and switching pages
- fixed wp_em_events post_content not being updated if description is removed
- added wp_title filter to widgets
- fixed incorrect number of events per day shown in full calendar according to settings
- fixed the_title usage to check the post id supplied in second parameter
- changed/fixed action where rules are rewritten on settings changes causing 404s for CPTs created in theme functions.php file
- fixed bug with W3TC repeating first no-user booking name for all others in admin table views
- fixed ’email exists’ errors in no-user bookings mode
- added option for no-user registration with registered emails
- added #_CATEGORYNEXTEVENT, added formatting options for location/category next event placeholders
- improved event, location and category timthumb thumbnails so they accept 0 as a width/height to prevent cropping
- added ical scope option
- fixed category placeholders not being replaced in alphabetical order (so #_CATEGORYNEXTEVENT cannot overwrite #_CATEGORYNEXTEVENTS)
- added #_TAGNEXTEVENT and formatting options
- fixed problem with pagination not highlighting first page number when doing searches
- changed maps js to close other infowindows for locations map when marker is clicked
- added locations search attribute
- fixed autoembed and embed shortcode support for event/category/location placeholders for descriptions
- fixed duplicates triggering ‘published’ actions on duplications such as tweeting via WP to Twitter
- fixed author not being changed on quick edit
- fixed conflicts with various plugins which add custom registration validation (e.g. SI Captcha, Theme My Login, etc.)
- fixed bug where #_LATT fields not appearing in public location editor if event attributes aren’t enabled
- added booking links to edit event booking stats meta box even if no bookings made
- added em_bookings_filtered and em_locations_autocomplete_selected jQuery events
- fixed links pointing to admin on public booking admin tables after pagination clicks or multiple ajax calls
- updated German translation
- added em_calendar_get_args filter
- improved EM_Category::has() – now also checks category name too
- removed redundant functions in EM_Category
- improved default ordering of events in categories page applied to EM_Category::get_default_search() rather than just category pages,
- improved category taxonomy when overriding with formats when using an assigned categories page (particularly breadcrumbs)
- added specific tweaks for Yoast WP SEO plugin for breadcrumbs when using an assigned categories page
- added a tags page and template
- created EM_Tags class – very similar to EM_Categories
- fixed lack of pagination on tag placeholders showing related events
- fixed private locations turned public not appearing in public listings
- fixed today/tomorrow scope not working properly in wp-admin
- fixed pagination variables overriding shortcodes with fixed page attribute
- improved – minor adjustment to location autocomplete ui tip text behaviour
- added em_map_loaded js trigger for location admin map
- updated German