RC1 is out, Upgrade Now!

This is the first (and maybe only?) Release Candidate of Version 5, meaning this is where we stop making changes and focus on the process of documenting this new plugin.

If you know your way around WordPress and Events Manager, now would be a good time to start upgrading. Whilst we’re going to hold off the final release until next week after Christmas, you could consider this a final release, as this has been tested in various installations and works very well (the upgrade process in recent cases all go through very smoothly, tested on sites with 1000’s of events).

We also have upgrade instructions, which we hope will outline what to expect and how to make a smooth transition.

Here’s a summary of changes since Beta 3

  • Cleaned up UI for submitting events on your site (outside wp-admin)
    • BuddyPress is not needed anymore for submitting and managing events! You can assign pages for submitting events, locations and managing bookings.
    • If you have WordPress 3.3 or higher you can make use of the new editor.
  • Split “My Bookings” away from events page, another page for you to choose.
  • Fixed event tags and tag/category permissions
  • Added tag formatting options
  • Fixed some permalinking issues when events page is the front page.
  • Improved search function (now works as front-page)
  • Improved date formatting options for two new placeholders : #_EVENTDATES and #_EVENTTIMES

Download Events Manager 5.0 RC 1

8 thoughts on “RC1 is out, Upgrade Now!


i uploaded to the plugin folder on my site and when i try to activate it a blank page appear i use wordpress 3.3 thanks


Fatal error on fresh install of this on fresh WP 3.3 + fresh BP 1.5.2 without any other plugin

Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_get_groups_slug() in C:\wamp\www\…\wp-content\plugins\events-manager\buddypress\bp-em-core.php on line 148


Do you ever test with debug on? The current stable release and this RC5 produce all sorts of errors with debug on on my local pc.

The plugin works fine with debug off, but doesn’t inspire much confidence!


You have to have groups enabled in BuddyPress, otherwise you get that fatal error. Or you can go in and comment out the function on line 148 of events-manager/buddypress/bp-em-core.php


Hi Ben,

Thanks a lot for the helpful tip. Yes, if the Groups are off ( I do not need them ) EM do not get installed and throws fatal error.

Two more question to you Ben, do you know which line, if commented out, will turn off ajax for booking. Marcus has some solution here http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-events-manager-how-to-turn-off-ajax-for-booking-submission?replies=1#post-2511346 but this does not work for me.
Last, any idea how the names/avataars of attendees be shown on the event page.

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