Version 4.0.6 and Pro 1.1 Released

It’s been quite a few days pending but 4.0.6 is here, fixing quite a few of the bugs reported on the wordpress forums. It’s been a busy week and we had to release a 4.0.5 in the meantime as we worked our way through the list. Below is a list of the recent changes in 4.0.5 and 4.0.6:


  • removed various php warnings
  • added explanation for incorrect recurrences
  • fixed RSS title/desc not using html entities
  • fixed event widget scope problem
  • MultiSite superadmins can manage all


  • removed more php warnings
  • fixed recurrence issue
  • improved default values of country/state/region in search forms
  • fixed ticketing issues with recurrences
  • added workaround for IIS users with 404 issues
  • fixed global maps not working in some instances
  • made notice collisions when saving in sessions less likely
  • fixed MS recurrence issue

Pro 1.1 had a few bugfixes too:

  • Fixed IE issues with PayPal
  • Removed some PHP warnings

IIS Users

If you’re using IIS and you have a 404 error on your events pages, please read the following.

This bug only seems limited to websites using the PATHINFO permalink formats, e.g.

Moving On

These past two weeks have involved a lot of bugfixing and scrounging to get our forums back up. We’re catching up now and are already gearing up for our first set of pro goodies this week. Stay tuned!