If you updated Events Manager to version 3.0.96 over the last 12 hours or so, you may have noticed a few drastic changes, which were not meant to happen.
As I’m working on both a beta plugin and the stable plugin, the two got mixed up when uploading the new stable and the beta got uploaded instead. To make things worse, I am having issues connecting to the wordpress.org SVN server.
For those that upgraded, there is another update to 3.0.97 which I recommend you do make. I’ve coded in some extra stuff that should revert some of the updates made in the beta so it doesn’t conflict, it should just start working again as normal. Whilst the update is still not on wordpress.org, you can download 3.0.97 here. Edit: you should be able to just update automatically as normal now.
I apologize for the inconvenience, and lesson has been learned so it won’t happen again! If you’re still having issues with this please let me know on the forums and we can help you get back up and running.
12 thoughts on “Note to 3.0.96 updaters”
Robert Rijnders
Okay, I did an (automatic) upgrade and I’ve been pulling my hair out for a while, wondering what I did wrong… Now, how do I install 3.0.97 if not automatically? Downloading and installing (new) obviously doesn’t work. Should I deactivate and uninstall, but will I not lose my current events?
If you log into your admin area and go to Plugins > Add New, there’s an ‘upload’ link. On there, you upload the zip file linked here and it should do the rest. I think it should overwrite the old install, if not just delete the old one and do as i mentioned before.
Another option is to unzip this file and upload the events-manager folder to your website via FTP, to the folder yourwebsite/wp-content/plugins/, you can just overwrite what’s there.
Robert R.
I tried the 1st option earlier, but that didn’t work (output folder already exists or soemthing like that), so now I FTP-ed (overwrite, no delete) the whole thing and it’s okay now – pfew!
Thanks :-)
I still can’t get it to work. I now get an error saying : Ach, there’s a problem here:
There was a problem saving the location so event was not saved.
I can send you a screenshot of it if you’d like but I did everything you said to do above. None of it worked.
hi, can you either check out your php error log or add
to your wp-config.php and see what’s output when trying to save. if you could open up a new topic in the forum and post it on there that would be better
I checked for new updates, and it won’t bring in the new .97 to upgrade too. did you take it off? I’m still having the No Country error.
Ignore my previous comment. I just deleted and reinstalled and it works now. Thanks
I was able to update to 3.0.97, but since the update, I am unable to edit an event I created in the previous version.
I am receiving a database error.
did you update automatically or manually (e.g. ftp)? if manually you’d need to reactivate.
No I use automatic updates. The error is:
“Could not save the event details due to a database error.”
that appears after editing a previous created event.
could you try de/reactivating (also, best opening up a topic in the forum if this doesn’t work, so the replies don’t get too narrow :) )?
I tried disabling and reactivating but it does not work. I can create new events, but I cannot modify current events.
I always get the same error: “Could not save the event details due to a database error.”
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