Events Manager 6.5.2

We’ve followed up with 6.5.2 as more issues have emerged after the release of our latest 6.5 update. With such a large revamp and the multitude of possible setting combinations, many of these issues were not replicated in our tests. Thanks for your patience, and we’re hoping now the major issues are now out of the way!

We’re naming this 6.5.2, because we’re hoping to release 6.6 in the coming days, with new features added to our phone number fields!


  • Fixed fatal error on dashboard with Charts widget enabled.
  • Fixed ‘array_key_exists’ fatal error (not reproduced) on bookings dashboard in limited cases – pending further confirmation to reproduce/fix potential underlying issue.
  • Fixed JS issues preventing event links from being clicked on the ‘events with bookings’ list table.
  • Minor CSS fixes showing button outlines when clicked.
  • Fixed rare calendar issue preventing future months from showing events.
  • Removed all unnecessary query string params aside from yr/mo in calendar navigation links.
  • Fixed calendar search trigger not working when default search is set to inline mode.
  • Fixed rare selectize JS issue not being initialized properly due to jQuery firing before DOMContentLoaded.
  • Fixed settings/tags/taxonomies having white as default color as opposed to the settings page default and also defaulting to #80b538 avoiding white-on-white display issues.
  • Added ordering to savable filtering options.