This is a maintenance release that follows up 2.6.5 and fixes some pending bugs:
- minor css tweaks to booking view of Multiple Booking cart details
- fixed checkbox and multi-booking issues for no-user booking details editor on single booking
- fixed ARRAY literal appearing in booking email for checkboxes in certain scenarios
- fixed ‘Class ‘EM_Admin_Notices’ not found’ errors in PHP logs
- added em_coupons_admin_meta_box_coupons and em_coupons_admin_meta_box_show_code filters to control what coupons and whether codes are shown in event submission forms
- fixed user login fields not showing up on booking forms when user is logged in, added option to show/hide username profile field in settings page (Events Manager includes fix to show username for CSV/Columns)
- added rejected custom email template to events and gateways which get sent to admins
- fixed case sensitivity in coupon codes
- fixed coupon descriptions not getting saved if left blank when editing
- fixed company logo not displaying on PayPal checkout page (due to deprecated parameter name)