Pro – Important Update from 2.4.4

We’ve discovered a bug in Events Manager Pro which was introduced in the 2.4.4 update which can accidentally delete bookings when ALL the following are met:

  • You’re using the Multiple Bookings Mode Beta feature
  • The booking was made using our PayPal gateway
  • You’ve set PayPal bookings to auto-delete after x minutes if they haven’t been paid
You’ll notice an approved transaction in the transactions table, yet if you click on the multiple booking record you won’t see any individual event bookings associated with it, as these have been deleted. This will only affect bookings made from the time you updated the plugin to 2.4.4.
Update: This also seems to affect bookings, however the bookings don’t get deleted, the individual event bookings remain in ‘Processing’ status and require manual approval, although the Multiple Booking itself shows as approved with a completed transaction. The solution here is to update and manually approve the individual event bookings. To avoid sending another email confirmation, change the status individually within the edit page of the booking and uncheck the ‘send email’ checkbox.
The update fixes this issue, and therefore we strongly urge you to update to this version. We’ll be following up with a second email in a few minutes with the plugin attached, in order to minimize the risk of this email hitting your spam folder due to the attachment.
For those that updated to 2.4.4 and your license expired between then and now, we’ve emailed all applicable users, as well as those who’s licences expire in the coming days with a copy of the recent update. Please check your inbox, if you haven’t received an email and your license was active whilst 2.4.4 was out please get in touch and we’ll provide you with a copy.
We’d like to personally apologize for any inconvenience caused, in the event that this affected you. Aside from this fix, we’re also working on additional layers of safety measures including:
  • Searching PayPal transactions BEFORE deleting anything, in the event a payment was made but there are IPN issues.
  • Adding a ‘trash’ feature so that deleted bookings are recoverable for at least 30 days, to avoid any accidents in the future.