Search Attributes

Since version 3.0, we’ve made a consistent set of accepted search attributes which you can pass to various shortcodes, template tags and core functions that search objects like events and locations. For example, when dealing with locations, you should be able to use most attributes which are also available when dealing with events. Below is a description of specific attributes and general attributes.

General Attributes

These attributes are shared across all shortcodes and template tags that accept attributes. Some default values have different defaults when used in different functions and shortcodes (e.g. for locations), which are explained further down. Also, note that in some contexts these attributes will not make a different to the returned results.


If you supply this as an argument, the returned data will be in an array, not an object (only useful wen using PHP, not shortcodes)


If you are displaying lists (e.g. listing events), you can supply the header html and placeholders here. Default Value: If the format attribute is not provided, the relevant default format will be taken from the settings page.


If you are displaying some information with the shortcode or function (e.g. listing events), you can supply the html and placeholders here. When providing a custom format value, format_header and format_footer will be blank if not also provided. Default Value: The relevant default format will be taken from the settings page.


If you are displaying lists (e.g. listing events), you can supply the footer html and placeholders here. Default Value: If the format attribute is not provided, the relevant default format will be taken from the settings page.


Limits the amount of values returned to this number. Default Value: 0 (no limit)


For example, if you have ten results, if you set this to 5, only the last 5 results will be returned. A limit higher than 0 is required for offsets to work.


Indicates the alphabeitcal/numerical order of the lists. Choose between ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending). Default Value: ASC


Choose what fields to order your results by. You can supply a single field or multiple comma-separated fields (e.g. "event_start_date,event_name").

Accepted Arguments : Database table fields, e.g. event_name or location_name


When using a function or shortcode that outputs items (e.g. [events_list] for events, [locations_list] for locations), if the number of items supercede the limit of items to show, setting this to 1 will show page links under the list.


Which page shall be shown. Requires pagination to be set to 1 and will override the offset value if also provided.


The default parameter name used to figure out the page number to show is pno, provide a unique name if you want to display two lists on the same page with independent pagination.

Event Attributes

Along with these attributes, you can also use the general attributes and location attributes for filtering by location. This applies to all event related functions and shortcodes, e.g. em_events(), [events_list], EM_Events::get()


Limit search to events created in a specific blog id (MultiSite only)


Include only events with bookings enabled. Use 'user' to show events a logged in user has booked.1 = yes, 0 = no


Supply a single id, slug or comma-separated ids or slugs (e.g. "1,categories-slug,3") to limit the search to events in any of these categories. You can also use negative numbers and slugs to exclude specific categories (e.g. -1,-exclude-categories,-3). If you mix inclusions and exclusions, all events with included categories AND without excluded categories will be shown. You can also use & to separate ids and slugs, in which case events must contain (or not contain) both categories to be shown.


Supply a single id or comma-separated ids (e.g. "1,2,3") to limit the search to events with the event_id(s).


Limit search to events belonging to a specific group id (BuddyPress only). Using 'my' will show events belonging to groups the logged in user is a member of.


Accepts a comma-separated coordinates (e.g. 1,1) value, which searches for events or locations located near this coordinate.


The distance unit used when a near attribute is provided. Default Value: mi

Accepted Arguments : mi or km


The radius distance when searching with the near attribute. near_unit will determine whether this is in miles or kilometers.


Limits returned results to a specific owner, identified by their user id (e.g. list events or locations owned by user)


Supply a single id or comma-separated ids (e.g. "1,2,3") to limit the search to events with the post_id(s).


Display private events within your list? Default Value: If user can view private events, 1, otherwise 0.

Accepted Arguments : 1 = yes, 0 = no


Display only private events ?

Accepted Arguments : 1 = yes, 0 = no


Show only recurrences if set to 1 or non-recurrences if set to 0, shows all events if not used.


If set to the event id of the recurring event, this will show only events this event recurrences.


If set to 1, will only show recurring event templates. Only useful if you know what you're doing, use recurrence or recurrences if you want to filter event recurrences.


Choose the time frame of events to show. Additionally you can supply dates (in format of YYYY-MM-DD), either single for events on a specific date or two dates separated by a comma (e.g. 2010-12-25,2010-12-31) for events ocurring between these dates. Default Value: future

Accepted Arguments : future, past, today, tomorrow, week, this-week, month, this-month, next-month, 1-months, 2-months, 3-months, 6-months, 12-months, all


Do a search for this string within event name, details and location address.


Limit search to events with a spefic status (1 is active, 0 is pending approval) Default Value: 1


Supply a single id, slug or comma-separated ids or slugs (e.g. "1,tags-slug,3") to limit the search to events in any of these tags. You can also use negative numbers and slugs to exclude specific tags (e.g. -1,-exclude-tags,-3). If you mix inclusions and exclusions, all events with included tags AND without excluded tags will be shown. You can also use & to separate ids and slugs, in which case events must contain (or not contain) both tags to be shown.


If set to a year (e.g. 2010) only events that start or end during this year/month will be returned. Does not work as intended if used with scope.


When set to true, only events WITH an assigned location will be shown, has priority over no_location.


When set to true, only events WITHOUT an assigned location will be shown.


Show one event for each unique value of the provide field name, along with events contaning no defined value for that field. See our grouping documentation for more information.

Accepted Arguments : Database field name from the wp_em_events or wp_em_locations tables, e.g. event_name or location_name


When groupby is defined, the fields defined here will determine the sorting of events in each group. See our grouping documentation for more information. Default Value: event_start_date,event_start_time

Accepted Arguments : Database fields (comma-seperated) in the wp_em_events and wp_em_locations tables, e.g. event_start_date,event_start_time or location_name


Indicates the alphabeitcal/numerical/date order of the sorting in groupby_orderby. Choose between ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending), case insensitive. Default Value: ASC

Location Attributes

Along with these attributes, you can also use the general attributes and event attributes for filtering locations according to events. This applies to all location related functions and shortcodes, e.g. em_locations(), [locations_map], EM_Locations::get()


Limit search to locations created in a specific blog id (MultiSite only)


Search for locations in this Country (no partial matches, case sensitive). Default Value: none

Accepted Arguments : Use two-character country codes as defined in, can be comma-separated e.g. US,GB,ES


If set to 1 will only show locations that have at least one event occurring during the scope.


If set to 1 will only show locations that have no events occurring during the scope.


Supply a single id or comma-separated ids (e.g. "1,2,3") to limit the search to locations with the location_id(s).


Accepts a comma-separated coordinates (e.g. 1,1) value, which searches for events or locations located near this coordinate.


The distance unit used when a near attribute is provided. Default Value: mi

Accepted Arguments : mi or km


The radius distance when searching with the near attribute. near_unit will determine whether this is in miles or kilometers.


Limits returned results to a specific owner, identified by their user id (e.g. list events or locations owned by user)


Supply a single id or comma-separated ids (e.g. "1,2,3") to limit the search to locations with the post_id(s).


Search for locations in this Postcode (no partial matches, case sensitive). Default Value: none


Display private locations within your list? Default Value: If user can view private locations, 1, otherwise 0.

Accepted Arguments : 1 = yes, 0 = no


Display only private locations ?

Accepted Arguments : 1 = yes, 0 = no


Search for locations in this Region (no partial matches, case sensitive). Default Value: none


Default Value: all


Search for locations in this State (no partial matches, case sensitive). Default Value: none


Limit search to locations with a spefic status (1 is active, 0 is pending approval) Default Value: 1


Search for locations in this Town (no partial matches, case sensitive). Default Value: none


Show one location for each unique value of the provide field name, along with locations contaning no defined value for that field. See our grouping documentation for more information.

Accepted Arguments : Database field name from the wp_em_events or wp_em_locations tables, e.g. event_name or location_name


When groupby is defined, the fields defined here will determine the sorting of events in each group. See our grouping documentation for more information. Default Value: event_start_date,event_start_time

Accepted Arguments : Database fields (comma-seperated) in the wp_em_events and wp_em_locations tables, e.g. location_country,location_town or location_name


Indicates the alphabeitcal/numerical/date order of the sorting in groupby_orderby. Choose between ASC (ascending) and DESC (descending), case insensitive. Default Value: ASC

Category Attributes

Aside from general attributes for lists, See the WordPress get_terms() Codex for a list of possible search attributes/arguments.

Calendar Attributes

Along with these attributes, you can also use the general, event and location attributes. This applies to all calendar related functions and shortcodes, e.g. em_calendar(), [events_calendar], EM_Calendar::output()


If set to 1 it will display a full calendar that shows event names.


If set to 1, will show events that last longer than a day.


This is a shortcode showing a paged list of 10 events that occur tomorrow:

[events_list scope='tomorrow' limit=10 pagination=1 ][/events_list]

This the equivalent using PHP:

echo EM_Events::output(array('scope'=>'tomorrow', 'limit'=>10, 'pagination'=>1));

This is a list of locations that have events located in the US tomorrow:

[locations_list scope='tomorrow' limit=10 pagination=1 eventful=1 country='US'][/locations_list]

This the equivalent using PHP:

echo EM_Locations::output(array('scope'=>'tomorrow', 'limit'=>10, 'pagination'=>1, 'country'=>'US', 'eventful'=>1));